Natalie Portman

If there was a way to edit 98% of her dialogue out of the movie, I would be so grateful. That whole zoom in of "OH. MY. GOD." and the giggle thing she did when he pulled her close before they took off... literally some of the worst acting I've ever seen.

Also, this is just a side note, and i want to stress that I really like this movie, but I find it hard to believe the "love story" because mostly it shows them looking at each other and smiling, and also once they looked at the stars together. Oh wait, also they cooked breakfast that one time.

If you've ever watched the Red Letter Media reviews of Star Wars (particularly in the second one), they discuss this in detail in reference to anakin and padme (yay natalie again!). Basically put two pretty people together, make them smile at each other, and we're just supposed to believe that they are in love.

Enough love for him to pine for her while he's back in asgard, and her to keep diligently searching for him after he left. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but even the relationships in other super hero movies, such as the one between Pepper Potts and Tony Stark shows some tension, and takes time to build up. Just much more realistic?

I really liked this movie, but that was a frustrating and sort of moot point. She could have been left out of the movie entirely (I have no idea if she was in the comics or not) and Thor's protection over the earth would have still made sense because of his friendship with erik selvig. Even Darcy who people find obnoxious was kind of a funny throw a character, but I found her more tolerable than Jane who did nothing but whine about her scientific research.

sorry for all this, just needed to hear if anybody else felt this way?! I might just still be mad at the Star Wars Prequels....

tell him about the twinkie.


I think the romance was definitely rushed. Especially for Thor to say "Jane, I will come back for you" implies a strong connection or serious affection between the two. Then that kiss!

I think instead of two or three days, Thor should have stayed a few months. In that sense, his redemption AND romance was rushed. I find it hard to believe someone as arrogant as Thor (he seemed a bit like Loki in Avengers to me in this), would convert so quickly. I think it should have been implied that more time had passed before his conversion and return to aasgard, and ultimately, his romance with Jane.

Also, there's something very patronizing about Natalie Portman's acting. Like when he pulled her to him and she giggled, she made this weird face. You could almost see in the fake smile that it's beneath her.


Probably the worst movie role I've seen her in. She was great in Garden State, V for Vendetta, and Black Swan. She sucked big time in this one. She also looked a lot less attractive.

The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!


She is usually so beautiful when I see her in movies but I agree, she did not look her best. I think it was the mousy light brown hair color on her.

The statement below is false.
The statement above is true.


I agree about the relationship being rushed. Never thought about it but I agree they could have had him here longer, or implied it, even a week or two to develop the relationship/ redemption thing. I disagree about the look beneath her though. I just got the impressions she was surprised, not expecting him to pull her close like that.


The casting agent, who convinced the producers to waste money casting misses Portman in this badly written role, should be banned from the movie industry. I mean why waste money on a top actress when a simple beautiful face would have sufficed?
And speaking of beautiful faces, I think she was "physically" miscast as well. While the male leads were a tour-de-force of handsome, tall and majestic, by comparison her short stature and understated looks simply didn't fit.
Don't get me wrong I'm a big Natalie Portman fan, but this role simply wasn't meant for her. Hell, a role this bad wasn't meant for any self-respecting actress with a reputation to uphold.


I came here for this exact reason.

Portman completely ruins this movie. Absolutely the worst acting I've ever seen--her lines are soul-crushingly pathetic and forced.

Can't believe they cast her for the sequel. Hell, she doesn't even fit the role aesthetically: I've never found Natalie very attractive personally anyways, but her looks just didn't cut it for a superhero movie at ALL. In my opinion she is one of the worst big name actresses. I admit Black Swan was pretty good--other than that I would be happy to never see her in another movie ever again.

The character I enjoyed most was Loki, by far.


Portman completely ruins this movie. Absolutely the worst acting I've ever seen--her lines are soul-crushingly pathetic and forced.

I am a HUGE NP fan (especially Black Swan and V) but gotta admit she was not so great in this, and I thought really horrible in the Star Wars stuff (she was not the only problem with those films tho).

I did get the impression watching this flick tho that she was pretty smitten in real life with Chris Hemsworth though... just her body language around him, seemed all giggly like a jr high chick in her scenes with him.



I think the fact that she looks really smitten is proof of her acting. Both are happily married to other people.


In America, not seeing Natalie Portman in another movie is totally available! Just don't go to those. Problem solved.


It was pretty awful. A bland actress for a bland character.

The only love story I thought the MCU did well was the Steve/Peggy romance in Captain America.

My name's John Constantine, and here I stay: haunted by London. And London, haunted by me.


It was pretty awful. A bland actress for a bland character.

that about sums it up, Black Swan was the eptiome of her career, and that was a deeply flawed mousey character, in this she was just stinko, no passion way miscast, poorly written romance.

It makes Thor look like a puerile puppy, not a God of Thunder


No No No and No!

I see everybody who commented as taking this movie way too seriously! I loved this movie and I took it as fun stupid goofy adventurous action film! I thought that all those "Oh, my, god!" lines etc. were just fun things and not to be taken seriously! I really think that originally that scene was meant to be laughed at! I think there is no need to be anything more to be explained to this love they are sharing, I mean He Is A God :D Who woman would not fell in love with that and to add: This is a movie! And to add it is a goofy movie.

I have seen red letter media reviews and those are freaking funny and I can relate to them 100% those things said are so true. But I would never compare Star Wars and Thor as movies. Star Wars was pretty serious in terms of atmosphere before prequels. And those prequels are painful to watch and yes, those "love" scenes, ugh. But to compare those to this film? In my point of view these are so different movies. In Star Wars love between Anakin and... hmm, Natalie? should have been portrayed deeper to really be believable because it was so important thing at the end. In Star Wars the story would continue and children of that relationship already had their own story so we all cared about "why and how"? But in Thor I don't think it matters so much.

So everyone just chill out! I think Natalie was pretty funny in this one! I liked her a lot in Thor and I am not a fan but perhaps after this film I am! This film is a comedy action adventure!! :D That is how I took the film and I loved it! After I saw the Trailer I had to see it and it was Exactly what I was expecting! Don't take it seriously! :)


Actually reading those comments about how bad Natalie Portman was is so SAD :( you took this movie way too serious!!! Just wanted to add this... :/


I think you're being a little too harsh on her.


Thor and Jane's romance was maybe a little rushed but it was lovely to see them both smiling, joking and circling around each other. Besides, how long was he supposed to stay on Earth - after few months there would be no Asgard uner Loki's reign. I really don't get all the hate for NP in this movie, she was boring in Star Wars but here she was OK. And she looked beautiful.



I think the love story was rushed but I kinda liked it. I had to fill in the details myself, which was annoying but still I wouldn't want this movie without the love story.

I'm not the biggest Natalie Portman fan, she's hit or miss depending on the project but she was pretty ok in this. Her giggling was a little jarring at times but then again she was in front of a God so I cut her some slack. lol

I actually quite liked the difference in stature between the two because it really drove the point home that Thor was "other wordly".

What would disguise itself as a rat? A mouse with delusions of grandeur


I agree about the height. Chris Hemsworth is like 6'3". It would take a tall woman for him NOT to be towering over. (His wife in real life is about the same height so some tall men DO marry women much shorter than them. I also agree that I wouldn't want this movie without the love interest as well (Jane Foster was and I think still is a love interest in the comics, depending on which version of Thor comic).
