Natalie Portman

If there was a way to edit 98% of her dialogue out of the movie, I would be so grateful. That whole zoom in of "OH. MY. GOD." and the giggle thing she did when he pulled her close before they took off... literally some of the worst acting I've ever seen.

Also, this is just a side note, and i want to stress that I really like this movie, but I find it hard to believe the "love story" because mostly it shows them looking at each other and smiling, and also once they looked at the stars together. Oh wait, also they cooked breakfast that one time.

If you've ever watched the Red Letter Media reviews of Star Wars (particularly in the second one), they discuss this in detail in reference to anakin and padme (yay natalie again!). Basically put two pretty people together, make them smile at each other, and we're just supposed to believe that they are in love.

Enough love for him to pine for her while he's back in asgard, and her to keep diligently searching for him after he left. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but even the relationships in other super hero movies, such as the one between Pepper Potts and Tony Stark shows some tension, and takes time to build up. Just much more realistic?

I really liked this movie, but that was a frustrating and sort of moot point. She could have been left out of the movie entirely (I have no idea if she was in the comics or not) and Thor's protection over the earth would have still made sense because of his friendship with erik selvig. Even Darcy who people find obnoxious was kind of a funny throw a character, but I found her more tolerable than Jane who did nothing but whine about her scientific research.

sorry for all this, just needed to hear if anybody else felt this way?! I might just still be mad at the Star Wars Prequels....

tell him about the twinkie.


I found the entire "love story" in this film was "Hey you're pretty hot, have you noticed how hot I am also?" "I agree let us combine our hotness and make beautiful babies"

They didn't know each other enough to get close to "love" and the most annoying thing about the film was that it didn't acknowledge that. It felt forced that the audience was meant to but it as "true love" They could have shown somehow that it maybe, possibly was the beginning of something good between them.



Marxtimetrois, I see you ponder the deeper things in life! Too funny! I think all fantasy or comic book couples should be able to produce off spring!


I agree. The "romance" between Jane and Thor was definitely the weakest part of the movie. On top of that, Jane Foster just isn't very interesting as a character. Yes, she's a meteorologist and likes science, but other than that, she's a blank slate (maybe that's why I prefer Thor with Lady Sif).

Now I know that this thread has more to do with Natalie Portman's acting, but honestly, her role in this movie didn't give her much to work with, so I can't really blame her.

Your smile is what saved me...
[Formerly CosmosX9]


Lots of people (including me to some degree) think the relationship was rushed (over the course of a weekend pretty much). I began thinking, though, what movie doesn't? How many movies are there where the romantic leads had months to fall in love? I couldn't think of many. I think the problem was in not having Thor immediately smitten like Jane was. If we were shown mutual love at first sight the rest may have seemed more believable. It felt lopsided with Jane obviously hooked and Thor still having to come around.


I didn't really see it as a "romance." It was lust, not really love, and i don't think they were even trying to disguise it as much more than intense sexual attraction. Portman's character could barely speak when she was around Thor, most likely due to the overwhelming physical desire. and likewise, Thor felt the attraction to a beautiful, mortal woman, which is understandable. The attraction of an "immortal" to a doomed-to-die mortal is a theme that has come up before,both in Norse and Greek mythology. And this is one more thing that makes this movie stand out as different from the other movies of this genre; it is a bit more raw, and a bit more believable than the "falling in love bit' that every other action/fantasy film thows in to attract the female viewers. A film called "Thor" should be a little bit tougher than something like "Amazing Spiderman.." don't you agree? Thanks to the above average performances of some of the principal cast, along with Kenneth Branaugh's eye for quality, this is a superior film. And I was grateful for the lack of noisy explosions and endless battle scenes for once. This is the only film in it's genre that didn't give me a headache..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


I liked Jane Foster the character just fine and though Natalie Portman did a good job with what she had, but i agree the romance didn't work. they should have saved it for the sequel.

"I loved you in Wall Street!"
- Hot Shots Part Deux



Natalie Portman had great chemistry with chris hems worth.


I thought she was an astrophysicist.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


@Expellliarmus I think the movie would've worked better if Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings had switched roles.



I took it as initial flirting.
Slow build to end with a kis and and leave the rest for the next movie.
To me it seemed to be planned by the writers not to rush the relationship.
Besides I cant imagine meeting someone who could possibly have a personality disorder call themself Thor and jumping into a relationship.Her curiosity and love for science seemed to be the only thing pushing her forward with dealing with this guy. Besides him being georgous. For him being a god, I can't imagine him immediately falling for a weak human. It took time for him to learn how smart she was and her pursuit for knowledge that he already had.
I can tell you I couldnt wait for the next movie to see the relationship grow.


She could've been better cast, but as it is, both Jane and Darcy are annoyingly inconsequential, and just take screen time from more deserving parts.

