Molly? 10?

No no. CORRECTION, Patty [Krysten Ritter] was the 10.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."


Y'all are trippin' and trollin'


these kind of threads, just like the " rate Jay Baruchel" threads, just prove that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you can't argue with taste.

I guess this is just a good thing, otherwise there would be a large group of people that would stay single for the rest of their lives...


are you all blind, Molly is like 12/10. Molly is way hotter than Patty.



Molly is a 10 in Penn, an 8 in Miami, NYC, and LA, and a 9 in San Diego, San Fran, and Boston. She is very attractive, and much prettier than Patty. Patty's bod looked great at the air show, but her face is about a 4 or a 5. I love dark haired women too so it isn't like I prefer blonds, even though I'm married to one.

Molly's bod was rockin though! Face was just a little plain. My wife is a solid 8 in San Diego, but I take her home to Michigan and she is a 9 or 10. Guys go out of their way to do things for her.

This movie was very realistic to me since my wife is way out of my league on looks alone.


IMO, Molly was a 9. Patty was an 8. But my boyfriend, like you, found Patty more attractive than Molly.


Molly's an 11. Pretty blonde, nice in the right spots. Also knew hockey. That's 10+ LOL

..."We all have it coming kid"...


Patty was way cuter, she had that retro Betty Page thing going for her.

I would give Molly a 7, she is a very beautiful (you have to be in order to be in movies), but I was surprised she was picked for this, as the script seemed to call for someone more attractive, IMHO. She had a big jaw, big teeth, that kind of made her proportions wrong, if that makes sense. The big jaw made her look a little masculine. I found her comparable to Debbie in looks.


When looking at (most of) the responses here, I'm wondering if we've been watching the same film..

Molly is easily a 10. Not the dolled up supermodel kinda look, but she's definitely smoking hot. And I don't even like blondes all that much :p

Patty... I'd give her a 5, simply because of the bitch she played.
If she hadn't, it'd be more like a weak 7.




Bo Derek is the only 10.



Molly 8
Patty 6

If it pays right and it's legal, I'll do it.
.......Well......if it pays right, I'll do it.


She gave an attractive appearance based really on 3 things:
A) She had really gorgeous, bouncy blonde hair.
B) She had huge boob lol a great body, overall.
C) She seems very confident.
However, to be honest, her face is pretty average looking. Especially considering all the makeup artists and professional stylists. She had a very wide jaw, too masculine for me. Hollywood wise, she is not pretty to me. But I suppose in real life, guys would find her hot for the 3 reasons I stated. She had a plain, but decent face, but combined with everything else, she gave a nice appearance overall. But since when do guys really focus solely on the face? Anyways, a real blonde knockout would be someone like Joanna Krupa.



Yep, totally agree. Molly is very pretty, but why would you put an 11 next to her, in the name of Patty, that automatically drops her down a couple of notches. Completely devalues the premise of your movie.
