Molly? 10?

No no. CORRECTION, Patty [Krysten Ritter] was the 10.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."


damn right she was the perfect 10. Just underrated and under-appreciated. I think Molly being a 10 is frikkin unfair.


Molly = Perfect 10

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


id say shes a solid 7 out of 10.



Molly = 100/100
One of the most beautiful actresses I have seen in long time :)


ha someone has weird taste. dont get me wrong both hot. way better though, was molly


You guys are all idiots.

Talking about Molly not being hot.

Patty and Molly were both smokin' in this movie.


Patty was only ranked lower because of her abrasive personality which showed right off the bat. The pregnant wife of the brother was the hottest of all in my opinion.


I definitely found Patty to be the 10, looks-wise, she's a pure model. However, her character was a mean beeatch, so that's like, minus all ten points in my book.

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?



AGREED. Krysten Ritter is gorgeous and unique. A true gem.

Alice Eve is cute and all, but a 10? A 10 basically insinuates perfection. She was pretty but I don't quite think a 10. An 8 maybe.



Personality comes into play and the character of Molly had a lot of things going for her which could bump her rating up somewhat. IN the film they certainly used Kirks personality to help him. She was very approachable for a girl that pretty.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


I agree wholeheartedly, Patty was friggin' gorgeous.

Molly looks like the love child of Rebecca Romjin and Patsy Kensit. With makeup she's an 8.


I wouldn't call myself a 10. I wouldn't call anybody I know in real life a 10, although I have amazing beautiful friends. So I don't really see what your point is asking me whether or not I'm a 10. Is that really relevant to this movie? Er, no, don't think so.

I'm pretty sure you're implying that I shouldn't call other people not-10's unless I"m a 10 myself, which is absolutely ridiculous. I never even insulted Alice Eve or said she was ugly or whatnot. I clearly said that she was pretty and a solid 8, and I even went on to say that Krysten Ritter was GORGEOUS and a 10.
