MovieChat Forums > World War Z (2013) Discussion > Worse than I remembered it

Worse than I remembered it

I first saw this movie when it came out in 2013, and from my memory the movie seemed all over the place.

It starts off well. After what seems like a few minutes of introducing the characters, the movie goes into full throttle mode with some good action and crazy zombies.

But soon after, it's all downhill and the movie just comes down to a very boring military exercise. There's a lot of talk, and by about 55 minutes into it I just gave up. There are some action sequences but it's shot in the dark and I could hardly see anything.

Life's too short to waste any more time on this movie, particularly after I looked on the IMDb, I rated it 5/10. I think I was being generous.

I can't waste any more time on it. It just didn't grab my attention.




Only her hand was cutoff. The guy shooting himself in the head was pretty hilarious.


Just re-watched it and yeah I remember it being better too. There are a lot of cool moments and some outstanding aerial shots, but just a lot of dumb things too. I do think the WHO lab scenes were the best part of the film, full of tension. One thing that always bothered me about this movie is that in the chaotic moments why would any regular citizen care who Gerry is or his profession. Like in Israel, all these people trying to get on planes, but they only stop the plane for Gerry like he is some highly important figure. Regular citizens probably wouldn't put themselves in a deathly situation to save some no name UN official.

Also since half the US is morbidly obese and diabetic we would probably be OK!


The only people who cared about Gerry were people of authority who then delegated that care to others. People not related to that chain of command did not care about Gerry, except for the pilot(s).
I always suspected, and hoped, there was a cut scene that involved Gerry somehow making official arrangements to get on that plane, but the pilots agreed not to wait and started taking off without him only for him to show up just in time.
Otherwise, stopping the plane, let alone letting them board, seems extraordinarily unlikely in reality, and plots/stories that make sense.


It's still an okay zombie film.

Brad Pitt's hairdo is still god awful.


Read the book, it's very good and far better than this not-special WWZINO.


I totally disagree. I just watched it again and it is much better than I remembered. What it is NOT is a proper version of WWZ, the novel. But, it does have scope and the ending, while being a solution is not as silly as an actual magic bullet, so, I will accept it. Also, while the rapidity of the onset is a problem, there is dialog suggesting that early cases took longer, so there is every reason to believe the initial spread might make sense. I'll go with it...

I think the film has so many good points, it makes more sense to mention the flaws: I found the sound drawing the zombies in Jerusalem suspect, what with all the loud helicopters already flying overhead and not causing the same behavior. The quiet zombie just hiding on the airliner seemed improbable. Our hero and his Israeli sidekick surviving the crash is perhaps one too many examples of him being the luckiest man on Earth. And at the WHO lab... A bit of dialog to explain why walking around the building on the totally empty, zombie free lawn, was not an option.

But, overall, I found it tense, involving, with good action sequences and NOT terribly stupid. A perfectly good zombie film with a lot to recommend it.


I think it's pretty entertaining and at least goes in a slightly different direction for a zombie flick to the usual tired and limited plot in this genre. A plot that usually always involves a group of survivors in the midst of a zombie apocalypse going from A to B, meeting other survivors along the way, before ultimately one or more of them gets infected. I mean it sort of does that as there is little else you can do with zombie apocalypse movies, but I appreciate how this one shows the zombie outbreak on a much larger scale, going global with it. I realise that's as much down to the source material though, which I haven't read.

It delivers well on set pieces, such as with the beginning scene, Israel, and on the plane, even if it's a bit ridiculous how the latter 2 events materialise.


Thank you for at least putting some valid criticisms. Most people who don't like this movie have nothing more than "it was nothing like the book" or "they should have stayed true to the book."

I get that fans of the book would be disappointed that it doesn't reflect what they expect, but if that's the only criticism then change the title and instantly that problem goes away. Then what are they left with?

You make good points. I actually enjoyed the movie, but story felt more like a weekly episode of a murder-mystery on TV. Although the visuals were much more cinematic.
