MovieChat Forums > Skins (2011) Discussion > Worst Skins Charectors?

Worst Skins Charectors?

So there have been msny rubbish charectors in the past skin seasons. Here are my least favourite ones:
- Liv: I don't even know why I hated her!
- Sid: He was a dull charector.
- Frankie: One word - annoying! She was never happy, and moaned all the time. Get over it!
- pandora's boyfriend: I don't know his name, but he brought nothing to the show. His story may have been alright, but hell, he didn't have an interesting personality.
- pandora: She's actually quite funny and i would have liked her till the veru end if she didn't sleep with Cook. I always thought of her as inmocent and adorable and that event just took her cuteness away!

I think that's about it. Let me know who your least favourite charectors are! I know many of you may find Effy annoying but she's not in my list, because along with Tony, Maxxi,Anwar, Mini, Freddie, Cook, and Cassie, she's my favourite!


The whole 3rd generation for me! There were none of them that I could take to.

'You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?'



Cook's mum, she was vile though the person playing her was excellent, Josh Stock, he was a creepy freak who drugged Effy just because of Tony's actions, David Blood, he expelled Thomas and Cook and probably would have expelled Alo if he'd been around, one good thing that came out of Franky getting Grace killed, JJ's mum, she called JJ's girlfriend a slut just for having a baby, John Foster for killing Freddie, and Cassie, sorry to the people who like her I just can't bring myself to be interested in her. I would say Katie because I hated how she stood in the way of Naomily and didn't accept Emily being gay, but she got Thomas and Pandora back together, the only one who took initiative for that and I loved her friendship with Thomas in the end when they had that discussion in the bath together, so that made me like her more.


Matty has to be the worst by far, and that's saying a lot considering some of the worthless characters the writers came up with. His whole character involved masquerading as this wise, mysterious guy where he was really more of an antisocial, manipulative creep. He wouldn't have been so irritating if the majority of his time onscreen wasn't just him staring wide-eyed at Franky with his mouth slightly agape. He seemed like more of a stalker or predator than a genuinely caring person.

The group did eventually accept Matty to some extent, which obviously ended once he accidentally killed Grace. Even though it was an accident, he was ultimately responsible, yet still acts like an entitled jerk whenever Nick talks to him or goes out of his way to help. Most of his dialogue in general was ambiguous nonsense, narcissistic demands or incessant whining about Franky. Even when Franky did show interest in him and they started dating, he sabotaged any chance of remaining in the relationship by complaining about insignificant problems or being weird, self-pitying and understandably difficult to be around.

The 3rd generation was easily the least entertaining and likable overall, but as unrealistic as some of the character development and content was, Matty struck me as little more than a sociopathic p*ssy.


Matty wasn't that bad. He was basically Cook with a brain.



Grace - I know many people loved her but I did not like her. Can't explain why.

OMG! Thank you for saying this.

I think I have your answer:

The girl playing her (Jessica Sula) can't act.

Watching any scenes with "Grace" in them made me either want to smash her over the head with a blunt object (or just pray that "Cook" would come charging in from the previous generation and do it for me)...or alternatively, that someone would buy her some acting lessons.

I don't care what anyone else says. Jessica Sula's portrayal of "Grace" is so painful to watch that her death is a mercy killing.


Gen 1:

Michelle. Boring airhead with a mean girl streak and nowhere near as pretty as she thought she was. In fact, she was rather plain.

Sketch: Psycho stalker obsessed with Maxxie. Yawn!

Gen 2:

Definitely Pandora. What an irritating twit! Somehow, we're supposed to believe she was best friends with Effy and was an excellent student, even though she was beyond stupid. How could Cooke ever be interested in this troll and cheat on Effy with HER? The mind boggles.

On a side note, I don't know why everyone is so down on Freddie. He was innocent in a lot of ways and extremely attractive; I can understand why Effy liked him, especially after the way Cooke treated her. Freddie was the method to Cooke's madness and that's what made him good. I think Cooke and Effy were too similar in many ways, whereas Freddie was different and that's why she was drawn to him. He and Effy would have been a nice balance to each other and he could have managed her mental issues better than Cooke in some ways. Both boys were strong but very different. The writers totally screwed Freddie over with that ridiculous ending.

Gen 3:

Mini. She was basically Michelle 2.0.

Liv: Annoying skank with no sense of self worth who bonked as many guys as possible. What was her purpose anyway?

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


Pandora getting into Harvard was a laugh.



Banging your bff's boyfriends? TWICE? She even made it to #7 on my top 10 most hated character ever on TV
Also like Michelle, she definitely isn't as pretty as she thought. What are the dudes seeing in her??


I loved Effy,

I think she is misunderstood.

Least favourites:

Frankie is annoying AF

Thomas was monotonous.

Michelle tended to annoy me.

I wasn't a huge fan of Naomi either. I don't know why, it is just something I can't put my finger on. She seems like one of those overly opinionated Femnazi types that can't relax and chill out.



The comic relief character who wasn't really that funny. The writers could have done a lot with his character but his only purpose seemed to just be an adjunct in other characters' dramas. In season one he decides he can't be Maxxie's friend because he's a Muslim and Maxxie is gay. Incredibly hypocritcal considering every other aspect of his life. Then in season two he dates Maxxie's psychotic stalker. Probably the most toxic friendship on the show and that's saying something.

I just really, really, really hated Cook. I never liked Gen 2 to begin with and I think Cook was a big part of it. He was just a horrible character all around.

Frankie's problem is more from the writing than the character herself. I mean, you've got quite a few good storylines to go off with her. Severe bullying, adoption, foster care, I think there was a history of sexual abuse, androgyny, etc. What the writers decided to go with was disappointing. To me it seemed they had all these ideas they were building up to in series 5 but changed it at the beginning of series 6 like Mini's crush.
Another thing I really disliked was how Frankie would randomly pop up in each character's episode and offer advice.

I should do a re-watch again but from memory those three annoyed me the most. There's a few more I never cared much for and a couple who were just boring.

I'm writing a play. It's a cross between Glee and The Road.
