MovieChat Forums > Skins (2011) Discussion > Worst Skins Charectors?

Worst Skins Charectors?

So there have been msny rubbish charectors in the past skin seasons. Here are my least favourite ones:
- Liv: I don't even know why I hated her!
- Sid: He was a dull charector.
- Frankie: One word - annoying! She was never happy, and moaned all the time. Get over it!
- pandora's boyfriend: I don't know his name, but he brought nothing to the show. His story may have been alright, but hell, he didn't have an interesting personality.
- pandora: She's actually quite funny and i would have liked her till the veru end if she didn't sleep with Cook. I always thought of her as inmocent and adorable and that event just took her cuteness away!

I think that's about it. Let me know who your least favourite charectors are! I know many of you may find Effy annoying but she's not in my list, because along with Tony, Maxxi,Anwar, Mini, Freddie, Cook, and Cassie, she's my favourite!


Effy and JJ. And Angie.


Anwar was the only character I didn't like from Generation 1, though now that I think about it he wasn't so bad compared to some later characters. He was such an awful friend, I couldn't understand why Maxxie bothered with him. I liked him even less when he started sleeping with Sketch..."she stalked my best friend and tried to kill another one of my friends. Oh, she's willing to sleep with me? All is forgiven!" I do have to admit he had some funny moments and the actor was good.

I didn't hate Effy, but thought she was terribly written in Gen 2, which was surprising since she'd been a part of the show from the beginning. If these writers could make Cassie understandable and lovable, they knew better than to turn Effy into a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

Katie was horrible, and it was never explained why she felt a need to control her sister the way she did. I always felt like her infertility was a random attempt to make her sympathetic, but it fell flat and didn't even seem to be that bad, considering she had never indicated she wanted to have children. I did like her with Thomas, though. I hated that the season 4 finale implied that he and Pandora would get back together at Harvard (not to mention how ridiculous it is that someone who had been expelled would even be accepted by Harvard, but that's a different conversation).

I loved Pandora in the beginning, but having her cheat on her boyfriend just seemed really out of character; come on, nobody changes that fast.

I actually forgot about Matty until I started looking through this thread, I wish I could forget him again.

Side note: After reading all of these posts, I'm starting to think I'm one of the very few who didn't hate Franky. Yes, she was rotten in season 6, and as someone pointed out on another thread it was annoying that she claimed to be "just into people" and the writers only gave her male love interests, but I felt bad for her. She was punishing herself because of the guilt she felt for indirectly causing Grace's death. Sometimes people become self-destructive when they think they deserve to be destroyed. She was far from my favorite character, but I never thought she was that bad.


Main Characters
Anwar - He didn't have much character development but I didn't care for him much anyway. He added a bit of comic value, but I wasn't that interested in his story.
Thomas - Seemed sweet, but he was an extremely boring character.
Emily (series 4) - I loved Emily in series 3, but she was such a moany cow in series 4.
Effy - Pretentious and melodramatic.
Grace - She was a popular character but I found her really annoying. I didn't really get her, she seemed to have two different personalities. I also thought she was a bit of a hypocrite, like when she got annoyed with Rich because he was a bit drunk, when she had been taking drugs all evening.
Cook - Loathsome chav who ruins people's lives. Couldn't stand him.
Freddie - Dull and boring, too much fawning over Effy.
Liv - Tried too hard to act cool with all her drugs, but really she was a basic and boring girl who slept with her best friend's boyfriend.
Pandora - Found her annoying, especially after she slept with Cook. I thought it was stupid at the end, when she said she got a place to study at Harvard.

Supporting Characters
Luke - The most pathetic "villain" in Skins ever. The Mad Twatter was more threatening than him. Someone on here once described his appearance as "a two year old's head Photoshopped onto a grown man's body"   


Luke - The most pathetic "villain" in Skins ever. The Mad Twatter was more threatening than him. Someone on here once described his appearance as "a two year old's head Photoshopped onto a grown man's body"

The guy was a fool. His philosphies were absurd. I wasn't entirely sure what he and his "gang" actually did. They dressed like throwbacks with their ridiculous suits, and their brawls were laughable. It was like they'd watched Quadrophenia or Brighton Rocks and decided to copy them. They came off as rich kids who wanted to play at being hard men. Even more ridiculous was that Frankie, a slip of a girl who'd probably never been in a fight in her life, managed to knock down meathead lads who fight for fun on a regular basis. After just one boxing lesson from that Luke. That episode nearly made me stop watching the show.


Question: why is Thomas such the big subject of dislike among fans?

I really don't get it. He actually had real problems, he wasn't just some angsty emo freak like the rest. Having to be the man of the house and taking care of his younger siblings while his mother gave him no credit whatsoever. Thomas actually cared about his education, yet he got kicked out of college simply for working in a building in which a girl he didn't know killed herself.
