MovieChat Forums > Super Troopers 2 (2018) Discussion > Every broken lizard fan hates atleast on...

Every broken lizard fan hates atleast one of their movies

I've read so many fan posts, and someone will always say, "oh I love all their movies but puddle cruiser sucked", or club dread was a pile of stink... Or beerfest was their weakest effort... Some mad men even say super troopers was a waste of their time >_<

Everyone seems to have different opinions on their best movie, if there was a poll I'd say it'd be pretty even.

I love all their movies, I don't get how you can like a couple but despise the others when it's similar material written by the same people.

Am I the only one that loves them all?...


Actually, every person on earth who matters hates every single one of their movies except for Super Troopers...which was brilliant.

It's clear that these guys have talent. Jay Chandrasekhar directed some Arrested Development.

It's also clear that they developed the first Super Trooper movie for several years, and that they dumped several years of their best bits into it. I'm guessing that they played these characters (or variations of them) in many of their improv shows for many years as well. It was awesome.

The rest of the movies? I definitely chuckled a few times, but they were hard to sit through.

I'm looking forward to Super Troopers 2. These are the characters that they have down pretty well.


oh, man, have to disagree. I think Beerfest might be my favorite. So many great characters. Donald Sutherland belching proudly on tape during his own funeral! hahahahah! Amazing! I have just rented Slammin' Salmon based on the recommendations here. I also enjoyed the horror one. I just think they are inventive and extremely fun. I haven't seen Puddle or Dukes of Hazard, but will be checking them out as well. Long live Jay Chandrasekhar!!!


OK, Slammin' Salmon sucked. Watched 49 minutes and gave up in disgust. WTF?!


I like all of their movies that I've seen, and that's all of them except for Puddle Cruiser, so who knows.

-Don't fall in love with somebody who dosn't love you back-


I actually liked Slammin Salmon... it startes meh but it flares up really good in the middle and end lol

Genius can't be expressed in 100 chars or less.


I like all their stuff, and the unrated version of Club Dread is a close second to Troopers. The recent Babymakers was hilarious too.


I'm amazed at these comments. I didn't even know there were people who existed that liked any of their movies except for Super Troopers. I couldn't stand any of the other ones except for bits and pieces of beerfest. Hope they get their *beep* together and make ST2.


I just think its like any stand up comedian or band theres gonna be Shows or Albums that you dont like as much..Its Different because there a comedy team as opposed to say a guy like al pacino..Theres noone in the world who loves ALL of al pacinos movies right? BUt noone posts about that because hes just one individual opposed to a team of writers/actors who make movies....Anyways..I Really enjoy all of there movies EXCEPT for Club Dread ....I didnt think that movie was very good...ANd I love slasher/horror movies I just thought the story line was uncreative and bland...I would say stupid but most of there story lines are ridiculous but all the other ones are very creative...Everything about Club Dread was weak..The characters the humor and the twist at the end of who the killer is and why hes the killer...Just all around a bad movie...But The Slammin Salmon is great in my opinion..As is all of there other movies..and im super jazzed for Super Troopers 2 and Weedfest/Potfest what ever there going to call it..Both of those which are there next 2 releases from what ive heard...(watch Heffernan and Lemme's stand up on netflix they talk about both of them)...I have total faith in these guys doing some great things in the near future...There really the best Sketch team in the biz right now and have been for the last 10 years or so...The last sketch team to make as big of an impact as Broken Lizard was Kids in the hall and on a much smaller scale...Some people/real fans love kids and the hall and know who they are..and maybe even some of them saw Brain Candy..But EVERYONE knows and has seen super troopers and beerfest...Name me 1 more sketch team thats been able to accomplish that!!! : )


favorite Broke Lizard films.

1. Beerfest/Super Troopers. Both films just get me lmao all the time.
2. Club Dread. Some funny scenes, some really funny scenes with Bill Paxton, movies falls a bit short, but still a good laugh.

I haven't seen any of the other movies. I don't think I'll ever watch slammin' salmon, looks pretty stupid, and I'm just not a Michael Clarke Duncan fan.


I liked them all, but The Slammin Salmon wasn't that great. Haven't seen Puddle Cruiser...yet.

My list *In Progress*

1. Club Dread
2. Super Troopers
3. Beerfest
4. The Slammin' Salmon

That awkward moment when you think someone's signature is apart of the post.


I love all of them, too. I get the impression that many fans found Club Dread to be an atrocity, but I thought it was hilarious - very, very well done. It's probably tied for second favorite with Super Troopers.

Yeah. I, uh, had to dismember that guy with a trowel. [eek]


I like all of their efforts

1. Super Troopers
2. Club Dread
3. BeerFest
4. The Slammin' Salmon
5. Puddle Cruiser

In that order for me, but Puddle Cruiser wasn't that bad for a first effort.


For me, nothing tops Super Troopers but, that said, I think Club Dread is really underrated.


Wait a minute... who am I here?



I like them all. I love a couple.


I don't hate any of them.... but admit I never saw the first.


havent seen puddle cruiser yet.

Slammin Salmon i don't het, but consider their weakest film, however it does have great moments.
