It was perfect until...

Untill L died.. It became a little slow and boring after that, but still a amazing series, Recomend it to all


I pretty much think Near is the worst anime character I have ever seen. The forced quirks they gave him (AWWW look he plays with his hair and has toys!! HOW WEIRD the way he sits! He MUST be a genius!), the fact they made him EXACTLY like L but not as interesting in ALL facets of his character or (of course) his originality.

And to have him win against someone like Light? LOL. This show could have been really good.


I don't know about worst anime character ever, but yeah he was definitely lame. I mean seriously, they should have just kept L to the end of the series. If they were going to make N almost exactly like L anyway (but much, much less interesting), might as well just keep L. If Kira was defeated by L, it would be an acceptable ending. But Kira getting defeated by N just ruined the ending for me. It could have been so good, whether Kira won or L won. But the way it turned out was just so disappointing.

"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor."
- Voltaire


I know right? At least in L's case the win would have been deserved. Near had his work cut out for him with all the MASSIVELY thorough data L collected himself which pisses me off.

Actually my most preferred ending would have been if Light had gradually realized the negative impact of the movement he created. The overzealous fans, almost like a huge cult, causing chaos around the world with their support for Light, taking it upon themselves "purify" the criminals (or whoever they see as criminals) how they see fit. That goes directly against everything Light strived for and he becomes conflicted. The show creators had a good opportunity to delve into that when they showed those people vandalize that building in support for Light.

I would have loved if the anime focused more on that and less on the cat & mouse mind games. All that ever was said is how Light caused a 70% crime rate reduction and stopped wars (who WOULDNT root for him?!).


When I watched up to the bit when L dies I thought I was nearing the end of the series. Then I thought that L had faked his death and would re-appear. And then I thought that L would catch Kira from beyond the grave. I really didn't like the replacement of L with N and Mello, so much so that I started hoping Light would win.


For me, its perfection ended with the way Light handled the whole Penber situation without it severely backfiring on him. That was just stupid, and the worst part of the whole series (aside from L's death, of course--although the way Light beat him was ingenious).

Welcome to the middle of nowhere-[fight2]-the center of everywhere.


My son has been showing me this series and I have eagerly anticipated watching episodes with him. After seeing "Silence" he seemed to indicate that this was as far as he was interested in taking me. (He has seen the whole thing but clearly agrees with you; I am doing the same with him for BSG, which I am going to stop for him halfway through the second season.)



the story will be so much better if it ended when l defeated by kira
instead the author went on creating new character which're so unattractive

i don't understand the logic behind creating kira nemesis

L was always look constipated

his clone (near and mello, the characters were drawn exactly with the same trait) is either a midget or megalomaniacal spoilde brat.


I agree. I didn't like Near as I did L.


Agreed, going forward, anyone I recommend this series to I'm going to tell them to stop watching after completing episode 25. After that it tanks!


Definitely. I can't really imagine where they could have gone after L died, but I wasn't very into Near and Mellow.
