Most laughable scene?

For fans of The Blind Side please ignore this, but for those
of us who thought it was laughably bad, let us have our fun.

For me, the most laughable scenes were:

-Michael has had enough of a particularly obnoxious opposing
player so he decides to block him for 80 yards (without ever
letting him go) all the way down the field, thru the end zone,
over a barrier and into a dumpster. Michael is flagged by the
evil referee for "excessive blocking."

-During that same game Leigh Ann obnoxiously calls the head
coach on his cell phone to tell him what plays to run. The
coach hangs up on her and when she becomes indignant her husband
says he must have "lost the signal". That attempted humor was
laughable but not funny.

-Obnoxious Leigh Ann obnoxiously walks past the coaches onto the
practice field to give Michael a lesson on how to protect the
quarterback and GASP! shockingly the next few plays he does great!
I did not see that coming.

-Leigh Ann hypocritically (and obnoxiously) tells her snobby rich friends "Shame on you."

-The Thanksgiving scene where they are all eating on the couch
watching the big game. It felt about as genuine as a Wendy's
commercial. Then Leigh Ann sees Michael sitting alone and decides
it's time to eat Thanksgiving dinner together as a family!
What a revelation!

-Leigh Ann allows her little son to ride shotgun throughout the
movie, including a joy ride with Michael. After an accident where
the airbags deployed and luckily did not kill him, she pooh-poohs
the EMT's advice that children should NOT ride in the front seat
because the airbags could kill him.

-The hands-down winner though, is when Leigh Ann threatens an
ominous, armed, dangerous drug dealer in his den, surrounded by
his evil henchmen; she calls him a "Bi*ch" and warns him to stay
away from her family. He sheepishly cowers away from her.
I fully expected him to cry.

Any I missed?


In total desperation for something to watch in my motel rooms pathetic selection of movies I was considering hiring this ... Thank God for your post. I think you summed up the movie very well for me and I get that this is a comedy not trying to be a comedy ... how do movies like this get made!?

And from the shorts it looks like Sandra Bullock is trying very hard to give an Erin Brockovich/Julia Roberts performance.

"Everything is safe till it goes wrong" - Joe Simpson, "Touching the Void" - book only.


Nice synopsis. I like how they try an play this as a true story. Micheal Oher was already staying at the coaches home and was of the most highly recruited players in the nation; when they took him in.

There was no teaching him how to play football at all. Sean tuohy just happened to be a Ole Miss alum and one of it's biggest boosters. Then He just happens to take in one of the best recruits in the country. Then low and behold he also goes to Ole Miss.


I didn't find any of those scenes you describe as particularly 'laughable' except maybe the one with the gangster.

If you don't see the humour in the part where he says "maybe he lost the signal" then you need to pull that bug out of your a55.


Haven't you figured out yet that Hollywood tries to fictionalise true accounts to make them more appealing to the audience instead of portraying them as 100% true to life.


By FAR the funniest thing was the amount of furniture in his real mother's home. If she was really an addict ALL of that would have been sold a longggggggggggg time ago.

And the way she acts like she knows football better than the coaches. Just insufferable. I'd rather live on the streets with my dopefiend mother than that piece of work. Unless I got to hit it. Actually I'd rather just cop the dome because I wouldn't want to hear her talk.


i just watched this movie. and let me say, it was one of the dumbest i've seen in years. sandra bullock was so annoying, i just wanted to kick her in the head. plus i love how all this nonsense is supposed to be based on a true story.

most annoying/laughably bad scenes:

1. Anything with Sandra Bullock.
2. SJ training Big Mike on the field to be a football player.
3. SJ and his verbal exchanges with the University coaches.
4. I know you mentioned this already, but when Sandra Bullock went to the drug dealer, in his "hood" and insulted him in front of his friends. Now, hwy didn't just "bust a cap in her fat ass?" like he told Big Mike the night before. Do you think the police would have responded? Do you think anybody would have testified against him? I would have cheered him on!!!!!

Horrible film. Worse than Weekend At Bernie's 1 and 2 or Mannequin.

Can anyone think of anything worse, or equally bad??


Yeah, your #2 and #3 above reminded me of another terrible scene where all the real coaches (Phil Fulmer, Tommy Tuberville etc) are clamoring on the field to see Big Mike practice; he does one drill where he blocks a guy and they are all hooting and hollering! B A D

In light of Sandra Bullock winning for best actress for the obnoxious one-note character that she played, I'm surprised Phil Fulmer wasn't nominated for best supporting actor for that scene.


For fans of The Blind Side please ignore this, but for those
of us who thought it was laughably bad your morons...



Hey mark g's actually "you're" not "your" f'n moron


Oh, I don't know RickShaw2010. Maybe he was going to make a comment about the morons he thought we possessed?

But sadly, I suspect you're right - the written English language is going to hell in a handbasket, especially when people who write like that call the rest of us morons.


The "I am a democrat" joke ("joke"), that was really bad.


Right after Sandra told Mike how to block, all the other fb players are checking out her bum as she walked away. That's epitomizes why I think the movie should have been called The Back Side.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Well, as for Sandra; back side.....she WAS a cheerleader in High school in Virginia, and I'd love for one to see some of those..How about Bust a movie righht before the accident. Hey, Mike regarding your new truck, you gotta puish the clutch sveral..whoops sorry. Taylor Lautner in Twilight. Wrong movie quote. Sorry.:D


When I lived in that part of the country, the only Republicans on the voter rolls were "Damn Yamkees" and black people.

Sure a lot of the Democrats voted Republican in national elections, but there were few Republicans in TN even in the mid 1990s.


Don't know what alternate universe you were in because TN has, sadly, always been a very Red state.


This is an awful movie & no one was convincing. Just goes to show that the Oscars aren't based purely on talent. Yuck

"...the young man would love it too, but he can't afford it."


I didn't like how the film depicted the Oher character----you could tell that he had issues and was very troubled,but they made it seemed like he couldn't do anything without someone pushing him. As if he wasn't doing anything for himself until they came along--yeah, right, whatever.


The Christmas photograph.

That fire was a bitch-ass thing to do!


For fans of The Blind Side please ignore this, but for those
of us who thought it was laughably bad your morons...

Who are my morons? I don't have any morons.


That actually happened in real life! I mean they did include him in the Christmas card, I saw the picture in a New York Times article.


what about when michael becomes jason bourne, beats that one guy and blocks the other guys gun/gunshot no look behind his back


I find this movie ludicrous , but for completely different reasons.

The Michael character was too fat and sluggish looking to be a good athlete.

That the ghetto blacks could pronounce English words correctly.

This movie portrayed his real mother as a victim rather than a complete loser and degenerate.



"That the ghetto blacks could pronounce English words correctly."

Yeah, black people from the ghetto can speak English correctly, just like anybody else,when they need to. Just because you can't understand their slang (which you're not supposed to anyway) dosen't make then stupid or ignorant. They just pronounce it a different way. I mean, most Americans have different accents and ways of speaking---we don't all sound the same, so get off your damn high horse about that.


You picked some good ones.

I'd say the funniest is LeighAnne coaching the coach and voila - -- the overweight, blob of a kid is suddenly a star football player in the making.

The "I'm a Democrat" joke.

When LeighAnne tearfully talks about all the poor black kids like Michael who have wound up dead. What made it funny is that she included "athletic" in her description of the kids.
In other words -- there are so many athletic poor black boys who could be making a lot of money for someone and entertaining y'all if we would just have the nerve to go down to the ghetto once in a while. And what about the boys who can't throw a ball or shoot hoops? WTF cares?


what about the boys who can't throw a ball or shoot hoops? WTF cares?

Yeah, that got me, too.

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me


What about when Big Mike doesn't want all those sweaters because they aren't "his style", and then he ends up picking up the most embarrassing sweater of all with that same dumb look on his face.

You remember what that sweater looked like, right? Huge horizontal stripes. It was so bright and fake that he looked like a cartoon character.

Then why is there a picture of a white man on the door? - Creed
