Most laughable scene?

For fans of The Blind Side please ignore this, but for those
of us who thought it was laughably bad, let us have our fun.

For me, the most laughable scenes were:

-Michael has had enough of a particularly obnoxious opposing
player so he decides to block him for 80 yards (without ever
letting him go) all the way down the field, thru the end zone,
over a barrier and into a dumpster. Michael is flagged by the
evil referee for "excessive blocking."

-During that same game Leigh Ann obnoxiously calls the head
coach on his cell phone to tell him what plays to run. The
coach hangs up on her and when she becomes indignant her husband
says he must have "lost the signal". That attempted humor was
laughable but not funny.

-Obnoxious Leigh Ann obnoxiously walks past the coaches onto the
practice field to give Michael a lesson on how to protect the
quarterback and GASP! shockingly the next few plays he does great!
I did not see that coming.

-Leigh Ann hypocritically (and obnoxiously) tells her snobby rich friends "Shame on you."

-The Thanksgiving scene where they are all eating on the couch
watching the big game. It felt about as genuine as a Wendy's
commercial. Then Leigh Ann sees Michael sitting alone and decides
it's time to eat Thanksgiving dinner together as a family!
What a revelation!

-Leigh Ann allows her little son to ride shotgun throughout the
movie, including a joy ride with Michael. After an accident where
the airbags deployed and luckily did not kill him, she pooh-poohs
the EMT's advice that children should NOT ride in the front seat
because the airbags could kill him.

-The hands-down winner though, is when Leigh Ann threatens an
ominous, armed, dangerous drug dealer in his den, surrounded by
his evil henchmen; she calls him a "Bi*ch" and warns him to stay
away from her family. He sheepishly cowers away from her.
I fully expected him to cry.

Any I missed?


I don't find any of those things you mentioned as laughable, and all are acceptable in a dramatized-true story-film.

But what I do find fishy is the scene where sandra bullock comes to the gang, in a dangerous and full-of-crime neighborhood, looking for big mike, not wearing her bra .

Probably she had a "booby trap", I don't know (pun unintended)


How about the daughter sitting outside the bedroom while they're reading the kid's book.


I think the very last scene that the OP mentioned takes the crown. I couldn't get over how ridiculous it was. Ironically, it came right after the best scene in the film- the one where Michael beats the bejesus out of everyone in the crackhouse. I loved that scene, even though overall this was a bad film.


An even more laughable scene ensued on Oscar night when this movie was nominated for Best Motion Picture.


Please post your five favorite movies and I'll watch them then post the most laughable scenes from them. This is a MOVIE not some masterpiece artwork.


Hmm - Cabaret, Dr Strangelove. Enough for now. It is a film (movie) and they were just having a bit of fun.
