Most laughable scene?

For fans of The Blind Side please ignore this, but for those
of us who thought it was laughably bad, let us have our fun.

For me, the most laughable scenes were:

-Michael has had enough of a particularly obnoxious opposing
player so he decides to block him for 80 yards (without ever
letting him go) all the way down the field, thru the end zone,
over a barrier and into a dumpster. Michael is flagged by the
evil referee for "excessive blocking."

-During that same game Leigh Ann obnoxiously calls the head
coach on his cell phone to tell him what plays to run. The
coach hangs up on her and when she becomes indignant her husband
says he must have "lost the signal". That attempted humor was
laughable but not funny.

-Obnoxious Leigh Ann obnoxiously walks past the coaches onto the
practice field to give Michael a lesson on how to protect the
quarterback and GASP! shockingly the next few plays he does great!
I did not see that coming.

-Leigh Ann hypocritically (and obnoxiously) tells her snobby rich friends "Shame on you."

-The Thanksgiving scene where they are all eating on the couch
watching the big game. It felt about as genuine as a Wendy's
commercial. Then Leigh Ann sees Michael sitting alone and decides
it's time to eat Thanksgiving dinner together as a family!
What a revelation!

-Leigh Ann allows her little son to ride shotgun throughout the
movie, including a joy ride with Michael. After an accident where
the airbags deployed and luckily did not kill him, she pooh-poohs
the EMT's advice that children should NOT ride in the front seat
because the airbags could kill him.

-The hands-down winner though, is when Leigh Ann threatens an
ominous, armed, dangerous drug dealer in his den, surrounded by
his evil henchmen; she calls him a "Bi*ch" and warns him to stay
away from her family. He sheepishly cowers away from her.
I fully expected him to cry.

Any I missed?


This movie is a joke, but all too common, its the typical "multiculturalism and diversity is good for us!" garbage that jew owned hollywood shoves down the throats of stupid Whites who keep going back more and more to the theaters for more propaganda and indoctrination.

After seeing this movie, the typical brainwashed white lemming goes "gee, we sure are mean to the african americans, we should abort our white baby and go adopt one from africa instead!"



I find it amazing how many people I've come across that actually thought this was a good movie. This pile was so bad it should have gone straight to VHS.


ha I love this post.

I think all the laughably bad scenes have been mentioned.

and as you said, I believe the gangster confrontation takes the crown.

and a COKE....i'm sorted


bullock as general custer for me too


Excessive blocking! Ha. That scene was out of a cartoon. I thought the opposing player was going to take out Oher's knee when he displayed such excessively lazy blocking technique (Frankenstein the O-line coach?) and there would be some life lesson. Talent needs form, etc. Nah. This is a formless movie. That would be going against what it's all about. Still, the director could have used just a little blocking; some scenes with people in the same room felt like they were filmed weeks apart.

The ending was funny, the final shot: the strange elevator music diddles away, Sandra Bullock sighs her eyes closed, and issues a relieved smile; it's as if the drive-thru hamburger she ate a couple highway exits back with extra onions has just granted her the sweet relief of a fart and the pleasure of issuing it in an intimate airtight space to those she cares about most, her family, just made her week a winner; especially because they didn't smell it coming. They were Blind Sided.

Overall, funniest part about the movie, to me, has to be Bullock winning an Oscar for this performance. Nick Saban displays more range, genuine charisma, not to mention a better hair dye job. Really, that's the only honest insight in the movie. Gives the reason why he was able to turn around Alabama in such a short amount of time. He says the exact same pitch to every recruit, and seemingly makes it personal and unique. What a talented actor!


I guess Hollywood ar allowed some lee-way in some of the stories, albeit factual may have a little too much sugar added to themSource:Movie Reviews The Blind Side


Watching college football games on Thanksgiving day. Really? They play college football on Thanksgiving? Who knew?


How about the scene where she walks up on stage to accept an Oscar for it?

That was hilarious......and embarrassing for the Oscars. They are just encouraging bad film.


Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


Bravo! Best answer.



Leigh Ann waving her dick around in the hood. Pathetic.


Just out of curiousity, what movies do people on here like watching?

There is no doubt they "Hollywoodized" the movie like they always do. The only movie that never got this was "Zodiac" because they made the movie strictly from the police report.

However, when you watch a movie like this you have to realize that in real life Michael Oher probably didn't stare at a balloon in the middle of practice. He probably didn't get into a brawl in the old hood. He probably knew football a lot better. That being said, the movie is a nice story, and there is no doubt that one truth about it is that the Tuohy family took him in and may have saved him from.......who knows what?


Just out of curiousity, what movies do people on here like watching?

There is no doubt they "Hollywoodized" the movie like they always do. The only movie that never got this was "Zodiac" because they made the movie strictly from the police report.

However, when you watch a movie like this you have to realize that in real life Michael Oher probably didn't stare at a balloon in the middle of practice. He probably didn't get into a brawl in the old hood. He probably knew football a lot better. That being said, the movie is a nice story, and there is no doubt that one truth about it is that the Tuohy family took him in and may have saved him from.......who knows what?
