Is this funny?

Can anyone throw in some insight on if this movie is actually funny or is it just Kevin Hart funny?

By Kevin Hart funny... I mean not funny whatsoever because I hate Kevin Hart with a burning passion and would rather skin my own **** and dump salt on it than watch one of his movies. People who find him funny are either 1.) not that intelligent when it comes to movies or 2.) black.


If you hate Kevin Hart why the hell would you subject yourself to a film he is starring in?

This is a moderately funny movie, better than I expected but still a C- at best. Could've been better, but talk about poor writing. Why would Kaley Cuoco's character tell her husband's best friend she doesn't love him like that?? Just one example of the eye rolling things this movie decided to do.

Still, some solid laughs.


This is a moderately funny movie, better than I expected but still a C- at best. Could've been better, but talk about poor writing.

Exactly. Premise had promise but the product was piss-poor
