MovieChat Forums > Precious (2009) Discussion > How the hell do 'poor' people get so fat...

How the hell do 'poor' people get so fat?

Not only in this movie, but everywhere. I see it every day... huge obese women carting huge obese children to the welfare office. Getting and staying that fat has got to cost a fortune.




Just heard on the news that an apple is more expensive than a twinkie. Is that true? Doesn't seem possible. But if that's true it would serve the argument that cheap crap is cheaper. More economical to go McDonalds that to find an asian grilled salmon with vegetables.



Did they become fat after becoming a vegetarian?

Do you know how hard it is to have a political argument with a naked man?


Wow rogerchrane you really fancy yourself quite the expert, don't you? I see you all over this thread, spouting your infinite wisdom.
And yet ... YES, there ARE fat people who are not poor. You are right there. But the question of this thread was "how do POOR people get so fat?"


"You need to excercise, not eat properly"

No this is completly false. I sure hope you're not teaching the kids this in these schools you speak of.

The absolute cornerstone to losing weight or just keeping your weight in check is watching what you eat and how much you put on the plate. If you're eating unhealthy high calorie food but you're out there taking "power walks" or running, you will never lose weight. You can however lose weight without any serious excercise. Naturally the best thing is to do both.



Your assumptions are simply incorrect. It goes against what the international community of doctors and researchers on obesity and/or weightloss are saying. People overestimate just how much calories we can burn during physical activity.

"Watching what you eat" isn't even synonymous to "starving" so I don't see how you could've made that connection but yes, self-starvation will in most cases ultimately lead to you putting the weight back on again plus extra amount of fat.

The human body is a smart machine and if it feels that it's undergoing a period of starvation, it will cling onto any fat it can and make up for it by producing extra fat once there is food again.

A simple but golden rule to effective weight loss (slowly) when you are hungry, when you are starting to feel full, stop. You should never feel hungry and never too full. If you then can add physical excercise to that, it's of course optimal.


not ALL poor people are fat. i'm poor by u.s.a. standards and see poor people all the time. yes, some are obese but many more are underweight and half lame due to a lifetime of not getting proper health care. as for fast food, people (mostly the young) of all social classes eat it.

"there is no more." - sitting bull



No, not the ones I am talking about. I don't think we're talking about the same people. I'm not talking about "I graduated from this nutrional course, now go out and buy my dvd". I am talking about doctors who's only objective is to study this topic, no book or dvd deals included. There may be charlatans out there but nutrition is as much of a science as physics. I'm not sure what kind of trendy food you're referring to. I'd bet it's actually quite healthy but we can get the exact same vitamins and minerals from our food for a fraction of the price.

We can't cheat death but we certainly have the option to avoid eating ourselves into an early grave.


Um, where do you get your fruit? Because buying enough fruit to have it account for a sizable portion of the total calories you need to consume a day just to live would be very expensive.


2 Words: PIG'S FEET



Awesome point Trackmaster, and sad but true.


I think it's FRIED CHICKEN ;-)

I used to live in the States for a while, I'm not an American btw. One day, I said that fried chicken isn't healthy. I remember a friend of mine who's black said that I shouldn't say that to a black people. I'm not sure if he's joking or not, but it seems like black people loves fried chicken that much.


Oh God... Your stupidity is EVERYWHERE on this site.

The Joker has Returned...


Note to Orginal Poster: Have you ever stepped inside a Wal-mart?

Just about everything Food-wise is Junk Food and dirt-cheap: Low cost food is cheap and fattening

Like the posters before me stated very wisely: Lack of nutrional education, absoultey no parks exercise options, the soceity in which people live, and the background of the persons life contribute to weight gain and obesity

There are news article that discuss how many low-class societies are dying of malnutrition and obesity at the same time: how does that happen??? Exactly what I've stated above:

Lack of nutrional education, absoultey no parks/ exercise choices, the soceity in which people live, and the background of the persons life contribute to weight gain and obesity

Ignorant statements means that you need more education, when you are curious
please do reserach

Your statement not only lacks intelligence but seems to lean on the negative cruel side of a "question"


I am not rich, nor do I follow any health regiment. I eat nothing but 'poor' people food as other posters seem to wanna call it, and I am underweight. I can;t afford lean meats, veggies, or nutritional programs.

It has nothing to do with education. To get THAT fat (as the OP is describing) takes 2 factors.

1. Genetics
2. Laziness/desire/coping skills


Genetics is a big factor.

One other thing, as well though, if the 87 or 91 in your name refers to your age (22 or 19) then you can rest assured the diet you on will most likely catch up to you if you're not an athletic person. It just catches up to some people sooner than others, and the reason is because of genetics or lifestyle.

I'll kill your *beep* dog for fun so don't push me - Natalie Portman


Good point. The numbers in my name is 1978 backwards.


It does have to do with education for people to say other wise means that this epidemic of obsesity is rooted in not fully understand whats in the food we as American eat: The food pyramid was completly incorrect when it was introduced to Soceity and to schools, but instead of correcting a mistake the American food soceity decided to correct the food pryamid will mean less money for the cheese agruculture, meat, etc and so on

It's history, why is there a an increase in dietary consulants, dietician and nutritionist???

Because our society has made food into an industry towards making money and not caring about the people


Michael8791 you say you are underwieght that is the other spectrum of a cause

Education has a lot to do with health and weight: Better schools\neighborhoods have classes that teaches student (our kids) what is healthy and what is not healthy: if you go to a low-income school its just the opposite there no gyms or health classes

No parks or recreational areas: or they are not maintained in Poor areas of America

Low income neighborhoods have corner stores, bodega full on unhealthy foods: have you ever read a label off a corner store bag of chips? It states not for resale

Making junk food specifically for low-come \low class soceity to profit:

There are mothers, parents and even law makers wanting to ban certain junk foods and Corner stores in low income areas because the Junk foods and unhealthy food business were creating food Specifically for Low income people

This is not only history but fact: Many want to say it has nothing to do with Eudcation

Poor vs Rich (the haves and the have nots) but it does its a vitale part of how business are created and how they continue to grow and run.

Understanding where your food comes from is extremly important, if people such as the orginal poster and others who say it isnt about awareness and education: Then you must only read and watch newspapers and television

We (as American and People in general) Must do our research and be concience to pass History, and how brands are made (how companies make and continue to have sucessful products)

To say oberisty is\are genetics and a person being lazy that confirms many people are falling for progaganda and being brain-washed into believing this empidemic is all Genetics, laziness, or mental issues

Theres an whole industry in trying to make people believe in genetics is the cause for all Health concerns:

Companies and Ads telling you it's all right to have a 900 calorie hamburger every day: And it's all about gentics?

Please dont beleive the Hype, the more you learn, the more its not one sided (Black and white issues, there is a GRAY area, thats when solutions become more challenging and soceities (Parents, govenors, and people like me) want to inform the people of whats really happening in our country: Education a catalsyt for change

Please dont think otherwise


As the others have stated, it's because the cheap food is fattening. You should watch "Food, Inc" by Robert Kenner. If I remember correctly, the movie explains why McDonald food cheaper than healthy food, like fruits, etc. I watched it a while ago, so I don't remember it in detail. But I believe, it has something to do with government subsidy, politics, etc.


Yup, everything I touched based on: Education (being well informed), History (Goverment) how companies are created and how food is specfically marketed in certain areas, and whats in food (How food is made in companies)



Insulin resistance, which is often caused by a diet high in carbohydrates. Cheap food is most often the simplest of carbohydrates (vs complex carbs), and is riddled with sugars, creating an unhealthy insulin response. This then leads to obesity, and very often to type II diabetes (adult onset).

Healthy food is expensive, proteins are expensive, as are fresh vegetables.

Additionally, African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are at a much higher risk when consuming a carbohydrate laden diet. It's not just about getting enough exercise, or creating a calorie deficit via dietary restriction. For many, especially peoples of color, it has more to do with being highly susceptible to a negative insulin response when consuming a diet high in carbohydrates. All the exercise in the world can't remedy this problem, but a low carbohydrate diet certainly can.

There are a number of articles finally being written on the topic. Just search Google for "insulin resistance," poverty and obesity.

Even some relevant blogs come up on the topic.... fine-carbohydrates-a-correlation/

More science, less fiction.

Karlrobert Kreiten--


I'd say it's an uneducated, lazy mentality. As a child I was dirt poor...but we NEVER had McDonalds it was a luxory. Frozen vegetables at Walmart are 99 cents a bag, a can of veggies is what .50 cents? You didn't see precious stealing an apple from the convenient store, it was a bucket of friend chicken. Poor people are usually uneducated and not to mention the black community glorifies ample body fat.


"Companies and Ads telling you it's all right to have a 900 calorie hamburger every day: And it's all about gentics?

Please dont beleive the Hype, the more you learn, the more its not one sided (Black and white issues, there is a GRAY area, thats when solutions become more challenging and soceities (Parents, govenors, and people like me) want to inform the people of whats really happening in our country: Education a catalsyt for change

Please dont think otherwise"

About the ads...not only that, but have you seen the newest Pop Tart commercial?
Having two Pop Tarts as an ice cream sandwich? GAH!

Now on to the issue you brought up.

Thank you, Watcher...I didn't want to just copy and paste your whole post because I thought it might be overkill.
But you've made me think of a whole lot that I hadn't thought about before.

I'm obese (a yo-yo dieter) and I've been beating myself up for years because I have trouble maintaining weight loss.
I think I've been going about it the wrong way (in fact I know I have, if I'm still obese, lol).

I'll try to educate myself more about this.

Thanks for bringing up those points.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"
