MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Jon’s “Kingship” Discussion.

Jon’s “Kingship” Discussion.

I’m confused about the anger & resentment over Jon renouncing his claim as “King of the North” over Winterfell & the North after bending the knee to Dany. Also confused by Sansa sweating him about it by saying his banner men would’ve been more eager to accept Daenerys & her army & her dragons if he had kept his title as “King” instead of handing it over. The same goes for Sam telling him about his true Targaryen heritage & saying “reveal who you really are & you won’t have to worry about everyone else falling in line”

But the thing I’m really confused about is as we all know the Targaryen’s are among the most hated & despised of all the major houses, no one likes or wants them so won’t Jon revealing who he really is make things “worse”? If they didn’t trust or like him now, they won’t really like him or follow him knowing he’s a Targ, so I don’t understand the big deal.

Let’s put things into perspective. Jon telling everyone the truth, (That is if he believes it himself). What might happen? He might cause a rift among his own siblings, Sansa & Arya, that can’t be repaired because of the huge reveal. Where do they stand knowing that their “brother” is actually the descendant of a hated & feared enemy family? They might look at him from here on out as the stranger who lived among them all their lives.

His fellow northerners were willing to follow him as “King” knowing full well he was a bastard, that might be preferable to them instead of finding out that their chosen leader is actually one of the last of a family that they hoped to be rid of. What makes everyone think him telling everyone the truth is going to make everything hunky dory? Everyone was anxious for the big reveal buy why? It would throw everything into disarray for him & everyone else.

No one’s going to buy the fact that he didn’t know or that he lied the whole time because he was a liar & a coward or had something up his sleeve & they might not care for the news anyway. Poor Lady Mormont is really going to wonder “And who are you now?”
Just a few things I thought about that I’m sure most of you have too.


He's still a Stark, and to the Northerners, it is a big deal to have one of their own in the royal bloodline.


I don't think you've been paying attention if you think Sansa and Arya are so superficial they'd look at him like a "stranger".


"we all know the Targaryen’s are among the most hated & despised of all the major houses"

We don't know that. The Mad King was hated, but if it wasn't for him, they'd still be on the Iron Throne.
And I think a lot of people would prefer the stability of a centralized monarch to all those civil wars we've been seeing.


Sansa and Arya better wake up and smell the coffee, because Jon is just as much Stark as he is Targaryen, I think they'll stick with their cousin, especially once they realize how insane the Night King threat is to the north.
