MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Has anyone sworn off the show now?

Has anyone sworn off the show now?

I can imagine that S8E3 has really, REALLY irked millions of fans of GoT to the extent that they will swear off the show now, but was one episode really enough? I mean, there's three more episodes to go, and it's amazing that the show has only Jumped the Shark NOW, and not a few seasons earlier. I don't know if the last few episodes will redeem the massive mistake that was S8E3, but I do think it was badly rushed, and rewatching S7, there's a lot of build-up to the WW threat. Heck, even the process of getting a wight and showing it to Cersei took THREE episodes, and the main battle to finish them off for good only took only ONE episode, with poor strategies throughout and a fair amount of padding, plot armour and deus ex machinas to boot.

I will still like the show, but S8E3 left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I don't hold out much hope for the last few episodes - I mean, what can they do? I'm hoping that Bran will provide a huge twist, by hosting the Night King somehow. But I doubt it now.

So, have you sworn off the show yourself and burned all of your GoT stuff in a huge fire?


People are dumb. They don't see the 'massive surprise twist ending' (tm) coming, where Bran turns into a new Night King and animates all the corpses from the Cersei fight, and Arya becomes a Night Queen because the old NK touched her.

It will be 'jaw dropping' and it will 'break the internet'. Everyone on Twitter will be so ashamed that they 'threw shade' at the show after 08/03 and the showrunners and cast will all 'clap back'.


We'll see. If the last few episodes fail to atone for S8E3, then it will feel like a massive betrayal.


There is absolutely no way the writers have the balls to pull off something like that.

Personally, I think that would be epic. But no way would they write/make Bran & Arya the bad guys.


This sounds like a perfect fanfic theory, so ofcourse it won't happen. Dumb & Dumber don't have the aptitude to follow thru with stuff like that.


I'm done with it.


I'm very disappointed with ep 8.3, but I have enough patience to see the last three. Whether they're good or bad, I'm interested!

If I was ever going to give up, it would have been a couple of seasons ago when Arya got stabbed in the gut a couple of times and then fell into a filthy canal full of sewage, and after someone put some band-aids on the stab wounds she was well enough to get up and sprint around Bravos. If I didn't give up then, I'm not going to give up!


Yeah, I was thinking of that. Arya was stabbed very much the same way the pregnant woman was in the Red Wedding, and the latter was a goner!


It would be kinda crazy to quit after watching the first 70 of 73 episodes.


Well we've already wasted 8 years of our lives, so what's 3 more weeks?

May as well see this trash through. At the very least we should be able to get a few laughs.


People stick with wildly popular TV shows, despite a decline in quality or enjoyability, because those TV shows become part of their weekly conversation.

Think of stuff like True Blood, Lost, and The Sopranos.

It’s even truer now that social media is around to keep the conversation and memes flowing.

Also, a lot of people will stick it out because it’s the last season, with a short episode order.


I've sworn off the show before for all the typical reasons. Killing off characters I loved. Everyone has done that before. I would be lying if I said I'm not watching until the end. Of course I'll see the rest of it. It's only three more episodes. But I have been so badly hurt by what they did here that the remaining three episodes will he very severely tainted for me. I'll go onto them without anticipation and instead out of habit. I'm just devastated with what they've done.


I am absolutely amazed to find that the two of us are in complete agreement about something. That's exactly how I feel.


nah. and i dont have any GoT stuff to burn.


Burn down the HBO headquarters


LOL nobody's quitting the show with 3 episodes left.


Yea, it's not like the Walking Dead where they wanna squeeze out as many seasons as possible even AFTER Rick is gone, amirite?


Well we've already wasted 8 years of our lives, so what's 3 more weeks?

May as well see this trash through. At the very least we should be able to get a few laughs.
