MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > John Campea says Ben Affleck wants to le...

John Campea says Ben Affleck wants to leave The Batman Role.


If been truly wants out I'm on with them recasting the role. Maybe Boyka "Adkins"can finally have the role all the fan boys have been wanting. He looks similar enough with the martial arts skills as a bonus.


Adkins is a glorified stunt man, he won't ever play Bruce Wayne.


Then make the movie all about Batman with the minimal amount of Bruce Wayne possible. After all, what everyone wants to see is the Batman in a Batman movie, not a Bruce Wayne movie.

The Lego Batman movie for example, it has the least amount of Bruce Wayne in any Batman movie I think. And even when he's Bruce Wayne, he's still Batman. Batman did not live in Bruce Wayne's basement, Bruce Wayne lives in Batman's attic.


If Affleck doesn't start FILMING The Batman before JL comes out, I think it'll be pretty clear that he's done.

| The Five-Star Man || The Golden God |


Maybe WB should give him money to do one or two movies, giving creative freedom so he can do whatever he wants. Live By Night was a miss, but you have to remember he had some misses between Argo and Gone Girl too(To The Wonder and Runner Runner). The Accounat was a decent box office success, so not everything is completely dark in his current career..



Maybe they have learn their lesson by now? It may depends on how WW and JL are received. Hopefully good.


I've ignored that demented prick Rinzzler for the time being.




The Demented Prick is back! :) And soon this little smelly creature will get Whack! :)


Pay attention in school ahole. Enjoy pumping gas for the rest of your life.

Drr my name is Tram and I am beyond obsessed with Batman


Rinzzler is a demented prick! Soon he will cease to exist :) Now kill yourself boy :)



You mean people life tram are going to have a meltdown



He also said he's been 100% BURNED by his so called, "reliable sources" at WB in the past.


Not by the ones at WB. The ones at Disney. He just doubled-down on the claim that Affleck wants out on Collider Heroes. Didn't even suggest that it was a rumor anymore. He definitely said that Affleck wants out, but suggested that he may stick around if WW and JL are warmly received.

| The Five-Star Man || The Golden God |


so basically he's repeated the stuff that's been said around here. maybe IMDB is his place for scoops.

Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today.


Scrap the Batman movie and just make a Deathstroke movie. After all, we've had so so many Batman movies already. A Deathstroke movie would be a breath of fresh air. Make it an R rated movie too.


I can't see them doing that - but I could see a Deathstroke solo coming after The Batman.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


I don't know about that. No one knows who Deathstroke is outside of fanboys.


FYI... Deathstroke is a REALLY stupid name. Sounds like some sort of chronic self gratification issue.

And no one knew who Guardians or Deadpool was, but DCEU doesn't have the street cred Marvel has "from the studios that brought you the last 5 messes, comes DEATHSTROKE!"

As opposed to, from Marvel Studios, comes Jennifer Jones.


He was the villain in season 2 of Arrow, and he has appeared in video games like Injustice and Arkham Origins. There's also the old Teen Titans cartoon.

Still, making a movie about him likely isn't going to happen.


Oh he's on Arrow! Well sheesh why didn't you say that? EVERYONE watches Arrow.



First off, did you actually use the word "dork"?

Second, I didn't say that EVERYONE watches it, but it has a following that's a bit bigger than the following for actual comic books, so saying that no one outside of "fanboys" knows has heard of him doesn't seem entirely accurate.


No one knows who Deathstroke is outside of fanboys.

Yeah, but they would do after The Batman.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


I hope he's right about this and they kill the universe because it sucks already.

But about Campea in general, he is the worst hack in the world with the worst taste in movies in the world. He needs to go away.


I think Affleck wants out because he has seen how much pressure being Batman really is. It can literally tank a career if you do it wrong. Get out now.

I reviewed the trailer. Really trying to create a funny, engaging youtube channel.
