MovieChat Forums > Suspiria (2018) Discussion > Brilliant film. Better than the original...

Brilliant film. Better than the original.

Sure, it is slow moving. But unless you have the attention span of a toddler, that shouldn't be an issue.
It's a long film, so it makes sense there will be some slow parts.
But this was a brilliantly made, atmospheric, sinister horror film unlike any other I have seen before. The score was also brilliant.
Some horror fans will be disappointed....But cinema fans will like it.
It was vastly better than the poorly acted original film that literally had nothing good about it other than the soundtrack.
Sorry guys. Just because something is original, does not automatically make it better.


Never watched the original, straightaway started watching this. It's the movie not for everybody. It's a weird movie and if you're fan of weird movies, you will like it too. Sure it doesn't have CGI effects and isn't your typical exorcism movie, but it has it's own, unique scary atmosphere. Acting is good. Music is done well too. It's unique movie comparing to other horror movies. I don't know about others, but I liked it.


Finally watched this. I'm biased as the original is my favourite horror film of all time.

When I heard the remake wouldn't include a goblin like score or bright colours I wondered how it would work considering this is what makes the original. However I then did think it was probably for the best as the originals style is very distinctive and hard to copy.

So in a way i get why they tried to be different. It's also great this isn't a typical Hollywood remake which sucks everything out of it and turns it into as generic as possible.

I did find some bits enjoyable I just felt it was far too long. If the characters names where replaced It wouldn't really be Suspira. I get they wanted to add a lot more backstory although the simplistic style of the original is what stands out. A kind of dark fairytale nightmare.

I just felt the extra stuff weighed the film down. It reminded me of black mirror and neon demon although both are probably influenced by the original Suspira. I also didn't really care for the lead in the end.

It's not that it's bad I just think it spends too much time on other stuff


This guy hasn't been posting for quite some time. Lets hope that his "cinema fan" career is over, or at least he restricted himself to commenting movies only in front of his mates.

Now about Suspiria. It is shot well and a couple of good scenes, but the writer should change his job. Really, he is clueless about script writing. What an overweight mess.

Similar idea was executed much better in Midsommar.

Overall 6/10 and worth a watch, if you are in a mood to spent two hours and a half wondering when it will get better... or worse (spoiler: it is neither).


Besides all that it has a fantastic ass shot of Dakota Johnson.


You must have saw somebody else's ass. Dakota doesn't have one.


It's pretty good and has great atmosphere. And Dakota Johnson has a nice ass.
I fucking love that the retards here don't understand the movie and never will.
