Im confused wasnt President Snow The villain in the Previous Films

wasnt he the villain yes im aware Katniss killed Coin who attempted to restart the games for Capitol citizens including children is it a lesser of two evils?




yes i am aware its a prequel still didnt answer my question.


So this movie will show him when he was younger and maybe explain how he came to be a horrible man later in life


Exciting. Another prequel to explain background details for why certain characters are the way they are.


Don't know. Trailer makes him look like a sympathetic victim of the system. But the book readers tells me he was always a POS.




Are you asking why Katniss killed Coin rather than killing Snow?


i already know the answer to that coin had a radical liberal way thinking punish the people of capital in the games for there indirect/direct participation of the games and quarter quell she was basically going to them.


So, what were you asking?


I'm confused too. Am I suppose to root for this character? He is like a-hole and monster later on in life. With no redeeming qualities.

Its doesn't help that hey hired pretty and hot actor to play him. And he looks nice and not evelish in trailers.

They’ll probably make him full on baddy by the end of the movie while pretending he is some Anakin / Kylo Ren confused tortured soul who then chooses Evil.

This movie should not have existed. They would better shoot about that time when Finnick Odair won his game.


i disagree with all of your statement its a story of the beginning revolution much like the two part mini-series like Andor but for YA.


No one likes prequels when we know how they will end. That's why no one watched Andor. And why Black Widow flopped.

We all know Snow will become evil. And Games will continue for 60 more years. There is no need to pair him with hot contestant and show him young and hot when we all know he will end up evil. What's the point of watching?

At least with Finnick we know he won his game and then was working as rent boy in Capitol for rich ladies. And we know nothing else bout him. It would be semi-interesting to watch him won and then settle in Capitol.


I can understand why some people are not into prequels, but plenty of people really do love them. Prequels can enrich a beloved world in unique ways. If it’s not your thing, then it’s not your thing, and that’s ok.

I couldn’t say why Black Widow didn’t perform (I didn’t see it, but my teens boys loved it).

I loved Andor, and I’m pretty sure it was the most popular of the live action Star Wars shows.

I’m just saying, your opinion is valid, but that doesn’t mean everyone shares it.

I thought this was a good book. I liked the Hunger Games trilogy better, but it was still good. Looking forward to seeing the movie.


I tried to give Andor a chance but gave up after 2 episodes. As it was boring and I simply didn't care about anything that was happening on screen. And knowing that Andor will die later in Rogue One it was no reason for me to invest my attention to him. Dude will die anyway so why care. They really did dirty when they killed both of them in that movie. They should have created another ending and have their spin-offs and sequels.

That ending wasn't that much of crying orgy for viewers. No one cried they eyes. It was more like: "Oh well they died? So watching all of this movie and rooting for them was for nothing, huh?". I never re-watched that movie because why? There is no happy ending.

Thing with Andor it was probably better "serious story" wise among Star Wars tv shows who tend to be made for children. That show was made for adults. But very few people actually watched it. There was no hype around it no one talked about it and discussing new twists after episode aired. But those few who watched it - they praised it and keep calling best. But it had to be lowest watched Star Wars tv show. It was not the most popular. More like "better reviewed".


Like I said before, if you aren't interested, you aren't interested. No biggy, just watch what you like.

I will say that the first 3 episodes of Andor were very much setup. I was not completely sure I was going to like the show. After that, the show completely took off and was fantastic!


I don’t care for Star Wars, watched the 6 first movies( episode 1-6) and while liked them didn’t become a fan to continue.

With hunger games though I finally understood the love for a prequel. I watched this and liked it very much. I was really curious to see how Snow became evil bastard he was in the hunger games.

The film Is Pretty hard to understand at the beginning but as film advances you get it much better.

Now my friend that I went with complained they turned Snow into an evil SOB too soon, she told me they should have given him this story a happy ending and then do a second and third film to turn him evil, I explained her that it’s because Susanne Collins did the prequel in just one book. She didn’t want prequels saga.

Now I’m with my friend that it would have been better to the evil snow develope Snow in three books.


"I'm confused too. Am I suppose to root for this character?"

You can't figure this out for yourself? Does a film need to spoon feed you exactly who the good guys and villains are without any grey areas in order to not be confusing?


The thing is - we all know that Snow will turn up villain with no remorse and no sympathetic qualities. So I don't need movie to show me hot young snow as main character that I suppose to watch all movie and root. Because people start rooting for main character they have to follow. That happens automatic.

We all knew Anakin will do lots of evil but will turn to good side at the end. So we watched how he became villain.

Watching Snow is like watching adventures of young and hot Palpatine and his love story. And root for him to win whatever troubles writers will make up for him.


Snow was shown in the later Hunger Games movie as a normal person, e.g. when he was talking to his granddaugther or at the end. He was not the evil emperor, but he was without a question a shitty person to District people.


Young people always want to do revolution. Sometimes the revolution does not get far, sometimes it does. In the form of Snow its most likely the classic tale of power corrupts. And yes, it does. Even if you have the best of intentions, there is a time you realize, you can't change everything. Then you get corrupt.
This movie is set at the 10th Hunger Games, Katniss participates at the 74th Hunger Games. Thats hell of a time to corrupt Snow. He is old by the time and don't want to lose his power. Who knows, maybe he made the Capitol a better place, at least for his people. Kind of Anakin Skywalker Story.
