MovieChat Forums > Another Cinderella Story (2008) Discussion > Anyone find this gross? A 26-year-old an...

Anyone find this gross? A 26-year-old and a 16-year-old?

Seriously, that is illegal in a lot of towns! Anyone else say this is gross?


No.. Not at all. Age is just a number.

Seann William Scott = Sexiness <3


Like Peach-girl said, age is just a number. Seriously if you really like someone then like theres no need to like flip over a age diffrence. Its not gross, and this movie isn't a pedophile's dream movie, like get over it seriously, your not playing Mary so like why trip over it.

PLUS: Drew Seeley is hot and like others have said, its called acting. Its not like they actually had them do a sex scene like at the ball or anything. The chemistry between the two is fake and they only went as far as kissing. Not such a big deal.


Saw this last night and it reminded of how young Selena looked and how old the male lead looked. It was flat-out AWKWARD seeing them together. I get it Disney apologists: it is acting, they're not dating. Okay.

That still just does not change the fact that a 15 YO was acting and it looked like she was becoming romantically involved with a person 10 years older, which is wrong. I really have no problem with Selena playing the part, but damn, they should have gotten a much younger male lead.


Age is just a number as long as both parties of of legal age. It may not have been a big deal if the actors at least both looked roughly the same age, but I could tell just by watching the movie that there had to be a significant age gap, so I looked it up. True, he looks younger than his age, but so does she, so it balances out. Instead of looking like a 25 year old and a 15 year old, it looks like a 21 year old and an 11 year old, so it still looks creepy. Creepier in fact.


Actually no. I didn't find it gross at all. As a matter of fact, you seem like the type of person that would raise a big enough stink about it that everyone around you would have no choice but to notice and then...only then...will someone else have a problem with it.


Really? Wow, I suppose you seem like a person that would judge a person based on one comment on the movie. Again, the age difference was obvious, it was akward, but in retrospect, I suppose it was only borderline wrong and/or gross.


Nope, I didn't find it "gross" at all. Um, it's illegal for a 26 and 16 year old to act as an on screen couple? Also, I thought it was (in REALITY) illegal if a minor had sex with someone over the age of 18, not if they acted in a movie together? I guess that's only where I live... But anyways, Selena looked young, sure, but so does Drew. I'm not saying 14 year old young, but he does not look OLD. In my opinion, Selena didn't look 9, 10, 11, or 12. She didn't look like a senior, more like a sophomore at the end of the school year, but it wasn't "gross." Even if they were dating in real life I wouldn't find it gross if they truly loved each other. Well, all I'm saying is that it wasn't gross and they looked good together for this movie.

They say not to judge a book by it's cover, but what part of a book do you see first?


I agree in that I think the casting could have been better but I don't think it's that big of a deal. A lot of the time older actors are hired to portray younger characters. In this movie, nothing really happened between Selena's character and Drew's. Like other people mentioned, Drew appeared a lot younger than he is. I wouldn't call it gross, in real life a 25-year-old and a 35-year-old dating wouldn't seem like a huge atrocity (to me at least), it just appears like a larger gap because Selena was so young when this was filmed. Anyways, it's a movie, the characters are supposed to be the same age and the real life age difference is not that noticeable.


it's legal if parents approve, you guys are stupid



I don't see what the big deal is. It's a movie,they're acting for goodness sake. They are just acting in a movie. It's not like they have graphic sex scenes or nudity in the movie. They're just acting, it's not like they're really dating.


Jeez they didn't sleep together. And he looks soooo young. He is 10 years older than her. She is now 20 and he is 30. So what...
