MovieChat Forums > My Sister's Keeper (2009) Discussion > Did anyone else think Camron Diaz wasn't...

Did anyone else think Camron Diaz wasn't right for the role of the mom?

I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand Camron Diaz. In my opinion, she can't act to save her life. She pretty much ruins every film that she's in. She doesn't fit the role of a mother. She's more suited to stupid comedies where the main character is a self-centered blonde bimbo. =\

Ignorance is toxic.




I agree. I don't think she fit the role very well.


I don't care for her either. I just saw 2 movies with Diaz, this one and "the box" as they were both on hbo recently. She seemed to act the same in each one. I don't think she's a realistic mother and cannot "act" very well. I have not liked her in anything I have ever seen her in. Sorry! But she's the reason I didn't see this movie when it first came out.


I disagree. I absolutely LOVE her in this role. For me, it was such a departure from her "normal".

But mostly, I think it's gotta be really hard to play that kind of character. I mean, she had to make you understand that she's acting from the desperation any mother would feel to save her dying child, but she also has to really annoy the crap out of you at the same time.

I had a love-hate relationship with the mother in the book, and I felt pretty much the same emotions with her in the movie. So for me, she was fantastic in this.

"Well!!! Since when did you become the physical type?"


I completely agree. Cameron Diaz blew me away here. She portrayed a mother's fierce love and desperation extremely well. She and the actress who played Kate gave the strongest performances, which is impressive considering what a great job every cast member did.


I thought Cameron Diaz acted surprisingly well, but I just can't buy her as a mother.

Kristy: You can go crazy from vibrations?
Bert: Oh, yea. You can go crazy from anything.



I just couldn't stand CD in this movie. In the first 15 minutes or so, I almost had to stop watching it just because of her. Being a mother, I can understand the anger, hurt & rage at losing one's child, but she just came across as a whiny, controlling witch.


I just couldn't stand CD in this movie. In the first 15 minutes or so, I almost had to stop watching it just because of her. Being a mother, I can understand the anger, hurt & rage at losing one's child, but she just came across as a whiny, controlling witch.

^ Erm... i think that was the point. Thats no fault of Cameron Diaz its just the role is had to play



i think cameron diaz is whiny, annoying and easy to hate, and so was this character.
so i think she was perfect.

friends don't let friends shiv!


She did much better then I thought she would... especially after my loss of hope for her after seeing 'What Happens in Vegas' and 'The Holiday' -When I think Cameron Diaz, I think cliche and/or corny romantic comedy. But she surprised me.


Cameron Diaz was NOT OLD enough to play this role!!!



She was born in 1972, in 2009 in this movie she would have been 37. She could COMPLETELY be the parent of teenagers and it not be untoward in the least. Not everyone waits until forty for their first born, lol.
QUITE old enough.


she doesnt seem like a mother type.

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


I think she did alright with the role, but because I had read the book before I saw the movie, I just never bought it. In fact, I didn't buy any of them.

But then again, the whole movie was such a huge depart from the book, that nothing was like the book, so maybe they were all brilliant....?

It's an alright movie. I wouldn't pay to watch it, I probably wouldn't buy the DVD, but if there was nothing else on, I'd watch it if I came across it on cable.


If you can't stand her, then don't watch movies where she acts!!

I don't think she's a very good actress, but she was very good in some comedic movies. In this case, she shows she can act in a drama, giving a very raw performance. She's not Cate Blanchett or Meryl Streep, but she was good in this one.


I disagree. I think she was surprisingly and heartbreakingly good in this movie. /But she was great in Vanilla Sky and Being John Malkovich, as well./ Great first step in the transition from rom-coms to dramatic roles, imo.

