MovieChat Forums > Eddie the Eagle (2016) Discussion > England's bigggest loser, a punch in the...

England's bigggest loser, a punch in the face is more appropriate...

I remember this cretinous individual on TV shows at the time, and wanted to punch him in the face back then, so why should I want to watch a movie about him? He not only fell out of the ugly tree backwards, but he comes across as a complete moron. I've been offered free tickets for this movie for over a month now, and declined them every time. The English though, their fake sickly-sweet OTT liberal-left politically correct sentimental garbage really gets to you after a while. Oh and I'm British so I'm allowed to comment. Losers, are losers. He's a loser, and I doubt that the story of a flop of a man could make anything other than a flop of a movie.


You come across as a very bitter individual, and to call someone who had the guts to do what he did a 'loser' is grossly unfair. Yes, he came last and by some distance, but have you ever stood at the top of a ski slope and looked down? I doubt it.

Maybe when you have and you've jumped out into the unknown, you can call him a loser.


Pressing the "post comment" button was probably the biggest challenge that individual ever encountered...

"You need me, or you're nothing. Because we're just alike, you and I. Except you're boring."


I was looking for the like button as if I were on FB or Reddit. I could not like this comment enough. Pretty bad when some dicless prick whines on IMDB about something being a loser by actually competing in the Olympic games in an event that could seriously kill or maim you. I would be thrilled to be that much of a loser.



WTF? Are you saying it's hard to do something BADLY? Most people don't do it because they know they will suck, so it's a waste of their time/effort. But nope, not this attention whore idiot. He'll do it, fail miserably, achieve nothing, and steal the attention and glory from people who train their whole lives to do it well. What a scumbag and make no mistake, he's IS a loser. How can you even defend him? Defending stupidity. Guess it takes one to know one.

What other stupid questions do you want to pose? How bout questioning the braveness of some average joe who doesn't want to step into the ring with a world class boxer, or into an octagon with an MMA veteran. We should all be trying to do these things, according to your moronic logic because otherwise we're losers, and the guy who got his jaw broke and lost in twenty seconds isn't. Good lord. What an awful thing to support and promote.


So basically you're saying don't try hard to do anything unless you're going to win? This kid was a winner by not giving up. It was a feel good movie that teaches people to shoot for their dreams. Where's the harm in that?


I cannot agree with you more, and that's my whole point. He was a national embarassment.


He was still the best we had.


So were your Ashes teams from 1989 until 2005.


And yet you probably still cheer for your national team at the world cup every 4 years.


The thing iss he didn't do nothing badly. Just worse than the top athletes in the world. He was still an amazing skieer and given his disabilities (he had a very bad build for ski jumping, no funds, eyesight problem) his pure technique must have been amazing.

He is no average joe. He is a a very good athlete. His skii speed records, distance record indicate that. He also almost qualified to the olympics in another skiing discipline. So please shut up


It's hard to do those jumps at all. that eddie managed to do them, with a relatively short period of training, is actually pretty impressive. He may have finished last, but at least he did finish, which is more than some ski jumpers do. There is nothing embarrassing about that.


The man was a complete loser! You are going only on what you know of him through this movie. Back then on TV he came across as a real jerk. That's the truth of it. I know real Olympians, who never get mentioned anywhere, and yet they make a hero out of a zero. You're a fool.


Strangely I know a top8 winter olympian (and 2 others ) and they like his story. You just like to complain because you are a bitter envious person. Even if Eddie was a dick why waste your time and spread your misery onto others? Go make your life better, not put other people down who were inspired by his story. Especially that there are true cases of late bloomers in sport and who knows maybe some of them were inspired by his story


It's never not funny seeing a talentless, moronic nobody bitter over the (no matter how short-lived) fame of someone they perceive as no better than them.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"


LOL Yeah.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Whose bitter? You don't know me. As for 'Eddie the Eagle', he was and still is a talentless moronic nobody, who actually felt like a national embarassment. Where you there at the time? No, of course you weren't.


Everytime there's a movie/tv show/school play you don't plan on watching, are you going to start a new thread to tell the world. FACT: Nobody cares whether you'll watch the movie. The promo company wants to unload free tickets to any joe blow who will take it. Don't kid yourself thinking you're that special VIP that every movie co. can't do without...Get over your insignificant self already. What a *beep* drama queen/freak/troll/delusional oldtimer.


You cared enough to comment. You muppet.


I would not call him a loser by any means. He worked hard and despite his physical limitations found a way to make the olympics.

However I do agree it is a bit ridiculous to glorify and celebrate a last place finisher.


So your post begs the question? Has Prince Charles f'd you in the arse?


So you're British but hate the English? In other words you're a bigot who thinks your particular brand of racism is worthy. Same way that you think that you're entitled to punch someone in the face because they have set out to achieve a hugely unlikely ambition and been celebrated for their efforts. Should he have just stayed in the basement in his underpants scratching himself like you did?
"... the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"


He lost because he was competing against men who were skiing before they could walk, and were ski jumping from the age of six, and who had the best coaches in the world and were properly financed and equipped, so he was always going to lose. He knew that but it didn't stop him having a go.

But he actually won the British ski jumping record and defeated the stuffed shirts and prejudices of the British Olympic Committee. He also won over many people and won lots of media attention. Apart from figure skating and curling, the British are pretty crap at winter sports because we are up against nations that invest a lot of time and money in them and who have them more central to their culture. But it doesn't stop us having a go, and in a strange way he became symbolic of that spirit.

The only thing that he should regret was his dodgy porn star moustache.


^ Well said.


He set a new world record for British ski jumping. Better than many have done.
