MovieChat Forums > Eddie the Eagle (2016) Discussion > England's bigggest loser, a punch in the...

England's bigggest loser, a punch in the face is more appropriate...

I remember this cretinous individual on TV shows at the time, and wanted to punch him in the face back then, so why should I want to watch a movie about him? He not only fell out of the ugly tree backwards, but he comes across as a complete moron. I've been offered free tickets for this movie for over a month now, and declined them every time. The English though, their fake sickly-sweet OTT liberal-left politically correct sentimental garbage really gets to you after a while. Oh and I'm British so I'm allowed to comment. Losers, are losers. He's a loser, and I doubt that the story of a flop of a man could make anything other than a flop of a movie.


Well, he has a law degree. I don't think the typical moron has a law degree. But what do I know?


He was a pretty crap ski jumper, he was also the best GB had because this sport was entirely neglected, which is more the issue IMO. He had a lot of guts, shame you can't respect that.


If Eddie Edwards is a loser, I wouldn't mind being a loser too. Fancy, despite all the odds, a bloke fulfills a lifetime ambition to be an Olympian. He breaks his national record (pitiful as it may be). After which, he goes on to fame and not a little fortune, through tv appearances and his (auto)biography. Years later, a film is made, based on his life story, guaranteeing even more money.

You wanted to punch him in the face because he didn't appeal to you physically, nor did he come across as intelligent enough, for you, in order to pass muster. Added to which, he wasn't anywhere good enough to win a medal. You sound like a ghastly creature, who considers himself/herself a member of 'The Master Race'! No wonder you don't like 'lefties', you sad no-mark loser!
