MovieChat Forums > Eddie the Eagle (2016) Discussion > England's bigggest loser, a punch in the...

England's bigggest loser, a punch in the face is more appropriate...

I remember this cretinous individual on TV shows at the time, and wanted to punch him in the face back then, so why should I want to watch a movie about him? He not only fell out of the ugly tree backwards, but he comes across as a complete moron. I've been offered free tickets for this movie for over a month now, and declined them every time. The English though, their fake sickly-sweet OTT liberal-left politically correct sentimental garbage really gets to you after a while. Oh and I'm British so I'm allowed to comment. Losers, are losers. He's a loser, and I doubt that the story of a flop of a man could make anything other than a flop of a movie.


Eddie has more things in common with the winners of the ski jump than you.


No he really doesn't. We are both crap at that same sport.


Agreed..He was a moron in the sense of understanding the sport, but he had the balls to go up there and fly! That is what mattered in the end.

The only way to know how strong you've become , is to keep testing your limits.
Man of Steel


"fell out of the ugly tree backwards" ha! that could only come out of a bitter man that fell out of an ugly tree forwards and smashed their face in.

trotting on here about how big of a loser he is, is just giving him alot more publicity so your doing your mission more harm.

personally I think eddies the man. and it takes big balls to do what he did. yes there was a loop hole on how he did it, but who cares! he didnt do it for fame, he didnt do it for publicity. he did it because he loved the olympics ever since he was a little chap & he always just wanted to be in them. didnt even care if he won. sure might be a none standard dream. but who is to place a meter on how big someones dreams are. he lived up to his dream, and became a fable in peoples hearts for it. it doesnt take much to win people over, you just have to be a good person and care for others or have dreams and succeed.

he did more in that year, then most of us do in a decade.


Have you seen him? Ugly man with big milk bottle spectacles... Your knowledge of him seems to be solely based on this sickly sweet made-up movie. Even Eddie himself criticised the movie for being bs and not at all like his actual story. Oh and he didn't succeed, as you claimed, he failed big time and made himself look like a clown on the international stage. Can't be a bigger clown than someone who plays being one to the whole world. The movie is a hokum. The Olympic commitee considered him a complete embarrassment and closed down the loop-holes to prevent him ever competing again. They are not at all the upper-class bad-guys portrayed in this film, they are quite the opposite actually. He got there by a loop-hole, while real athletes work hard to win a position on the Olympic team, but then they are winners, and Eddie the Eagle is a loser.


That's you,isn't it Eddie ? Trolling your own movie board !
What a wanker. We love you over here.
You did it your way and made it into the Olympics as
a TRUE amateur. Not only that, but with no coach !

I'm sorry baby, I had to crash that Honda.


The English though, their fake sickly-sweet OTT liberal-left politically correct sentimental garbage really gets to you after a while.

stated perfectly. this describes 99pct of british crap. sacerin. and most enetetainment as a whole. cute=gross

as far as eddie, i was there at the hill when that ugly useless midget became 'famous'.

you are correct, why give this moron any more attention.


The English left is not liberal it is socialist. Liberals as freemarketeers like Thatcher and the two American parties.
It's not "Sci-Fi", it's "SF"!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


I was there at the time and I found him just embarrassing as well. Yes he was a loser, though his only dream was to be an Olympian not a good one.


You don't follow international football by any chance do you?


He didn't wipe out. He made it all the way to the end. He's a winner in my book. He beat gravity for a little while.


In my opinion, not all average joes can pull off what he had done. It takes more than just courage to achieve his records. Even more amazing given his disadvantages and handicaps compared to the other athletes.

Watching the news about someone on TV can be as misleading as watching a movie. An hour footage of someone can not be a definitive insight to their character.

The movie also shows clips of the real Eddie during the events. But, judging a person (or even anything) based only on their looks alone is never a good idea.

Eddie's achievement isn't only his records, but he also prevail against so many negative criticism or discouraging comments from others. England should be proud to have this person as one of its sons.

Lastly, I'm not saying we should undermine the other athletes' performance and efforts. I just want to point out that what makes Eddie's character admirable is his determination and resilience. This movie makes me realise how tough it must be to compete as a ski jumper in the Olympics. If anything, it makes me appreciate the other athletes even more.
