MovieChat Forums > Old (2021) Discussion > Do you know what the most terrifying par...

Do you know what the most terrifying part about this movie is?

That the horrifying situation we see is nothing more than what takes place in real life. What happened to them is what is happening to all of us, even right now, except it is happening slower. We all are doomed to this fate. And there is nothing after death. We all are doomed to eternal oblivion, and there is nothing we can do about it. Isn't that realization horrifying?


There was a Flaming Lips song where it asks "Do you realize? Everyone you know and love will one day die"? Its depressing and doesnt make you feel good. But people come and they go. Because we all die, it means new people get to live. Its how it all is, and we just have to accept that.

Knowing this, we can learn to appreciate our time with loved ones and not take the time we have for granted. Dont live life thinking about it constantly/obsessively but just every once it awhile you got take it into account. So you will argue less, hate less, not hold onto grudges, and give people more chances. It can be a good life. Nothing good lasts forever on this earth, but nothing bad lasts forever either. In a way, that is comforting.

Be well, and be a better person for yourself and for others.


I don't find it horrifying at all. I have a soul and this life is just a tiny chapter in my existence. I am sorry for you though :(


I wish you were right, but you're not.


As an atheist you are correct, you are not going to go onto eternal life. As stated in God’s word.

That’s why you are so terrified and depressed of death.


Like the adage goes: "You have two lives. The second one begins when you realize that you only have one life."


^That's good.


He will have eternal life but in hell.


Too true.


I'm not an atheist, but I'm definitely agnostic. I agree that you could be right. We die, we turn to dirt, the end. But, there is very real consideration in the scientific community that our existence may be some type of simulation, aka The Simulation Theory. If that turns out to be the case, it would create some very interesting possibilities.


Actually, you're making a common mistake by classifying yourself as agnostic. You're either an agnostic atheist or agnostic theist. Check out this pic to see how to classify yoursel correctly:


You can absolutely be an agnostic without any further qualifiers. If you choose to define your position further beyond that is the individuals decision. However, agnostic alone traditionally means you simply accept that we can't actually know if God exists or not.


If it's a simulation it's not a far away take that the inventor of the simulator... let's call him God... was able to program a book that was an interpretation of his literal word of how to live... let's call this book, the Bible.


If it's a simulation, you must also concede the possibility that you were predisposed to believe in a higher entity through programming. Also, if it IS a simulation, life might actually exist in a form you can't comprehend, and negate the human flaw of religion.


Aging is a gift. You don't want to live forever..


Living forever is a curse because the human brain has limited storage.

I forget where I read it, but apparently if you could reduce the complexity of the human brain down to just its neurons and the connections between them, then a rough estimate of a human brain's storage space is around 2.5 petabytes (2,500 terabytes or 2.5 million gigabytes). This translates to roughly the amount of memories you can store over just under 10,000 years.

So if you could greatly extend your lifespan, you wouldn't really want to live longer than 10,000 years, because beyond that your brain would have to erase memories to make space for new ones.


I think living forever would be great if I could erase whichever of my memories I want, so life would never be boring.


Good for you pal, I guess..


What is good? My will to live forever changes nothing. I'm still doomed to perish.


Aging isn't a gift, but dying is. A quick, sudden death at, say, 70, would be ideal.

Three score and ten is more than enough life.


Living forever is fine if you are young, healthy and financially comfortable forever too.


When you realize you sat through almost 90 minutes of the worst crap you ever witnessed and should have only watched the last 10 minutes which wasn't that bad.


I actually enjoyed the last ten seconds the most, because that was the fadeout.


No, its not. At least not imo. I would find it wayyyy more scary being immortal. I am at peace with the fact that life has an end and I have no fear of nothingness (which I also believe and hope for) Whats there to be scared about? It's the ultimate freedom as I see it.


Learn about stoicism. It will help you deal with this.


What ... paying anything for it?


Nonsense. The world, the universe, our bodies, plants, and animals are loaded with systems and each one of those systems were created and configured by a Creator. You think all of this is by chance? That a bunch of elements shook around in a bucket and that produced a living being?

When you die, you are going to Heaven (if you believe in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior) or Hell (if you rejected Jesus). There is no going around that, and throughout everyone's life there is at least one moment where the person is able to make a choice.


To use your own term: nonsense. Its real terrifying that some people still believe that utter nonsense.


I'm sorry, but I'm not convinced.


What about the people who die having never even heard of J.C.?


Babies go straight to heaven.


I think that according to Christianity, those who die without being Christians are not saved.


Depends on the branch actually. Many branches of Christianity will presume that babies go straight to Heaven, or if you're some random indigenous tribal person in the middle of the forest or something, your entry into Heaven won't be dependent on your knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Hell, Catholicism, the official stance is that no human can even make that judgment. A strict Catholic can claim that you need to believe in Jesus Christ as your own personal Lord and Saviour to go to heaven, but they cannot claim that the opposite: if you don't believe in Jesus Christ, you will go to hell. But clearly the above fellow does prescribe to some manner of Christianity in which he believes this.
