MovieChat Forums > Burlesque (2010) Discussion > Christina is NOT attractive enough to le...

Christina is NOT attractive enough to lead this movie

Sorry. I find NOTHING attractive about her. Not her face. Not her body. And certainly not the way she moves or the way she dances.

She is just one of the LAST women I would ever be attracted to (although she looks great compared to Madonna or Sarah Jessica Parker.)

That being said, I think she looked better in this movie than I've ever seen her look before - but still nowhere near good enough for me to be "mesmerized" into caring about watching her on the screen.

Kristin Bell, on the other had, is GORGEOUS ! She looked perfect. Stunning face, beautiful shapely hips. Sexy body - and she (or her body double for the dancing) was great.

Christina just does NOT have a body I want to look at. Not at all.

And then I started to notice other things - like her lipsyching was off - and that was really annoying.

It's just hard to care about a character when you don't look forward to the next time you will see them on the screen.

But at least she is more attractive than Lady Gaga.


I hate stupid American movies where everyone is hot.


When watching this I kept picturing Gaga up there for some reason.


I guess you don't watch a lot of movies then.

If it's gods intent to kill or harm me I will stick a .45 in his face to


I've seen thousands. There's a lot of movies out there, man. Most of 'em aren't made in the USA.


Then don't watch our movies

If it's gods intent to kill or harm me I will stick a .45 in his face to


What will you do about it if I do? Maybe I will watch American movies. I'll watch them and come here to complain about it just out of spite.


You guys are hilarious!



Take notes, girls. The only way you can lead a movie is if you're attractive. If you're anything less then give it up and do radio. You're such a pig.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


Hmmm... several descriptive words come to mind when I think of Christina A. but unattractive has never been one of them. I think she made a good transition from freshly scrubbed and niave in the beginning, to appropriately sexy/raunchy on stage, but still natural enough offstage as the movie progressed to be believable in the role of small town girl making the cut. I prefer her more womanly figure to the "Heroin Chic" that is so prevalent out there.


I don't think you are being fair about what I was saying.

There are lots of female movie leads that are not "stunningly attractive." A woman doesn't have to be "perfect" to have the lead role in a movie - but there were just WAY too many things wrong with Christina in this role.

The ONLY thing she really has going for her is a voice.

And there is just SOMETHING about her that makes her hard to watch in this movie. I guess it comes down to the first impression when you first see her that there is just something about her appearance that is OFF - something that is inconsistent. I'm not sure if I'm even aware of what it is that sets me off about her.

But then when you add that she is NOT graceful in the way she moves and the final thing that makes her REALLY unpleasant to watch is when it's obvious that she is lipsynching the song - it all just feels fake and irritating to watch.


Are you familiar with the concept of "okay, that's only YOUR opinion?" Christ, five + paragraphs about how she's all wrong for you.. who cares?? And yes, you might be capable of giving young women doubt about themselves because Christina didn't do anything actually incapacitating her to carry this film, in fact, I thought she was great! Kristin Bell being any better is just... are you weird??? She's Kristen Bell for god's sake, her level of performing in this industry is nonexistent, in fact, I felt she was so awkward to watch and wondered why in the world she was cast, let alone her ability to mimic tunes/dance moves.



Wrong! OH so wrong. She has the look she needs for this role, she is adorable and sexy. She doesn't have the acting chops, but she is most definitely pretty enough. I loved seeing her dance even if I could hardly watch her acting.

I'm just glad she did this movie before she got pregnant and put on all that weight.

´¨*¨)) -:¦:-
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((¸¸.•´ .•´ -:¦:-
-:¦:-Oooh, sparkly!


She already had Max before she did the movie
she had Max in 2008 and did this movie in 2009


Christina is freakin gorgeous!!! The OP is either blind or doesn't like women!! Dude you can really say that Christina isn't attractive with a straight face???

"U don't have to like me...but you do have to PAY me!!!"


I thought Christina looked very beautiful in this movie


Oh please! Christina looked the best she has looked in years in this movie. If we're going to harp on looks...I find her to be far more beautiful than Kristen Bell (on her better days) facially. However, unlike you....I wouldn't have had an issue with seeing someone I consider (not as beautiful), like Kristen, in the lead because she is a talented girl.


Playing a lead in a musical is not always about being attractive. It's about having a voice, something Christina clearly has, lip synched or not.

I sometimes don't read the bottom of posts because I think it's a signature.


She is beautiful, no matter what you say.


I agree-I thought she looked absolutely beautiful in this movie! And, this was filmed AFTER she had her son; not before. I'm not a big fan of all the makeup she usually plasters on her face-I think it takes away from her looks. Heavier now or not, I think she is multi-talented!


I got it :-)


Playing a lead in a musical is not always about being attractive. It's about having a voice

While I agree in theory, I wouldn't want to see Barbra Streisand or Susan Boyle doing some of the routines in this movie...just saying. LOL
That aside, I think Christina did a really good job and looked the part perfectly. She's a very attractive woman IMO (I'm gay, btw). Maybe not "supermodel" gorgeous, but we're talking about a movie about a nightclub, not a movie about any million dollar venue that requires Playmates and surgically enhanced Barbie dolls to perform on the stage. To me Christina is just the right level of attractiveness for the role...beautiful and sexy without being "fake" beautiful and sexy, something young women can strive for without taking extreme measures, and something most men find sexy...more a "girl next door" sexiness than a sexiness that is only possible in Fantasyland.
Please do not attack me for my opinions...we're all entitled to them.


Christina's body reminds me of the pile of greasy chicken bones next to the bed after Travolta plows through a bucket of KFC. Christina's face looks like a foot. I think it's a good combination.



I respect the OP's opinion, as much as I disagree with him.

She's not the type who I myself would consider drop-dead gorgeous, although she was FAR from ugly when she played the fresh-faced teen. Later when she had make-up piled on, I thought she did look rather terrible.

Nonetheless, her sheer talent is undeniable - she can dance and she most definitely can sing. Even if she's not the perfect looker, her chemistry on stage is magnificent - to me, Cher is 100x more ugly than her (even discounting the age gap).

Honestly, shallow obsession with looks may be a Hollywood 'thing', but opinions like the OP's are what keeps it alive and well. That's just sad.


Cher's face looks like it came out of a blender, right after it went through a windshield.

Don't blame the messenger!


I think she is beautiful and very talented. I NEVER had any desire to see this movie...nothing else on so I watched it. Cher was awesome...Christina was beautiful. And...surprisingly Kristen Bell is wonderful at playing a B..itch. The Cast...Stanly Tucci, Eric Dane and the rest are awesome. Glad there was nothing else to watch. :) That's how I discovered how great the X-Files
was 12 or so years ago. Thank goodness for cable. :)


She is gorgeous, but her acting was horrible.
