MovieChat Forums > Burlesque (2010) Discussion > Christina is NOT attractive enough to le...

Christina is NOT attractive enough to lead this movie

Sorry. I find NOTHING attractive about her. Not her face. Not her body. And certainly not the way she moves or the way she dances.

She is just one of the LAST women I would ever be attracted to (although she looks great compared to Madonna or Sarah Jessica Parker.)

That being said, I think she looked better in this movie than I've ever seen her look before - but still nowhere near good enough for me to be "mesmerized" into caring about watching her on the screen.

Kristin Bell, on the other had, is GORGEOUS ! She looked perfect. Stunning face, beautiful shapely hips. Sexy body - and she (or her body double for the dancing) was great.

Christina just does NOT have a body I want to look at. Not at all.

And then I started to notice other things - like her lipsyching was off - and that was really annoying.

It's just hard to care about a character when you don't look forward to the next time you will see them on the screen.

But at least she is more attractive than Lady Gaga.


IDK what you're talking about, but Christina was definitely looking very pretty in this movie. I also think her body looked great! This was before she went super downhill.

you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.


She wasn't in the movie because of how she looks, it's because she can sing. I don't think she's ugly at all. She's pretty, not beautiful, but pretty.




disagree, when she wore that green dress singing the torch song....stunning


Not everybody has same taste in beauty. I think she is beautiful.


First of all, what does attractiveness have to do with leading roles?
Secondly, Christina was executive producer being a writer and performer of the songs.
Thirdly, if you didn't buy her leading this movie, then why did you watch it?
Lastly, beauty is subjective. If you don't find her attractive there are 10,000 other people who do.

"Your punishment must be more severe." -- Bane (TDKR)

