MovieChat Forums > Joker: Folie à Deux (2024) Discussion > Why put gaga in it? She can not act, and...

Why put gaga in it? She can not act, and she ruins every movie

This will be like all the movies Madonna was in....: TRASH


There you go, here is the attention you desperately crave.


Haven't you heard? It is going to be a musical.

I am sure when the Joker dances and sings we all shit our pants.



really? who do i want ? are you happy with lady gaga?


If it is a musical, then Lady Gaga is clearly a fine choice, you can't deny the fact she can sing.

But joker the musical, now that is the real joke.



no idea what your ramblings meant, but this part:"a 50 year old low value grandpa phoenix joker" was pathetic. Joaquin phoenix is currently one of the best actors in Hollywood while gaga hasn't had a hit song in over a decade. it seems you are out of touch with reality.



one knows wtf you are talking about.

that you have no answer is not a good look.

1. the answer was in the OP. she cant act. this is a film. period. end of story. esp along side one of the most praised performances from a seasoned amazing actor.

ook man we're talking about a 50 year old low value grandpa phoenix joker.. this character adaptation is malnourished out of shape just stopped living with mom previously jobless. he's not pulling a fucking nubile barely legal 10/10 harley. do people want immersion or do they not want immersion make up your fucking mind

2. no clue wtf your has to do with anything...... no ones complaining about her age. no ones mind isnt made up. she sucks at acting, thats pretty fucking immersion breaking.

now 2 chances you've had to name any woman for harley instead, and you pass.

3. you havent once asked him to name another? you are seemingly having this entire conversation, with yourself, in your own delusional head. and blaming einstein for not having read your mind and being part of it......

yikes so all the gaga antagonism is just a defensive phoenix protectionism cope? wow now thats sad.

look don't worry fella whatever success she have does not diminish him as an actor or a man

4. again the issue is she sucks at acting. its like putting RHianna in a film with Daniel day lewis.



more ranting. you need help


wow this guy really IS talking to himself, thanks for pointing that out shadow. sounds like a psychotic,schizophrenic episode he is having. lets hope he gets professional help. good luck


this guy really IS talking to himself

No offense, but I was thinking that of you. The ways you and ShadowHunter wrote are very alike, is that a sock account of yours?


a quick search going back 5 months of Einsteins post history

-i dont think ive ever posted on the same board as him given the movies i quickly read he normally talks about

-i do abunch of politics. again going back 5 months i dont see a single post on the politics by him

but its all a conspiracy. Einstein has purposely for at least 5 months avoided politics. then suddenly found an interest and made a sock account just to..... once double post to kanival when he could have posted himself under Einstein since its "a sock" according to you.

the stupid braindead things people say on this site.


I replied to him, and you get notification. You see that is suspicious.

Also you are a very new account, and looks like for a very specific topic, like politics, all signs to a sock account.


I replied to him, and you get notification.

demonstrate this. you seem to like making claims and slandering with things you cannot back up and have no evidence of. i guess admitting a mistake is hard when you can just makeup lies. says alot about you.

it couldnt be that this was one of my last posts before bed. i closed down my internet browser, and it reopens all my last tabs refreshed, showing me your comment :0

no, instead its a conspiracy where i for the frst time have ever engaged with Einstein. and I dont from a quick look at his history comment on 90% of the movies he does. all the maintain the illusion we arent the same person.

you seem to be having some sort of mental episode, it sounds like you are have paranoid personality disorder. here are the symptoms

can make it hard to trust others. It can cause negative thoughts about people that just aren't true, like “They don't like me,” “They're making fun of me,” or even “They're plotting against me.” In some cases, no amount of evidence will convince you otherwise.

The "plotting agaisnt me" and "no amount of evidence can convince you" seems to describe you to a T

Also you are a very new account, and looks like for a very specific topic, like politics, all signs to a sock account.

i gave you evidence. a quick 1 minute search going back 7 or so pages it seems einstein never comments on politics. so all of a sudden after at least 6 months, einstein found some interest in the politics board. and he couldnt just do so with his account and had to create a sock cause? reasons?

the smart answer based on evidence is "its two people". the paranoid personality disorder is "its a grand conspiracy by someone to appear they arent really that sock"

you are a liar who slanders with not a shred of evidence. if this continues. suggest you speak to someone before it spirals


What did I lie?

I just called it when I saw it, that is all.

Anyway, I never expected you to admit it.


still not a shred of evidence and cannot address what i said that clearly shows you are wrong. just a little cop out final jab so you can think you actually did something and arent the idiot here.

Never expected you to own up and show some character anyways. you prefer the little coward method. you have been dismissed. til next time when you say something incredibly dumb and i have to put you in your place again.


That is why you use sock account like this, isn't it?

So you can talk shit about people without consequences.

Anyway, you are on my ignore list now.


more assertions with no evidence. get to a safe space so you dont have to own up to your lies and slander. you just proved you have nothing and need to get to a safe zone where you arent held accountable.

didnt know there was children on here afraid of being responsible.


You are very paranoid. Did you know that 1 of the main criteria for the diagnosis of schizophrenia is paranoia? Seek professional help and good luck to you.


You see, that is why I said what I said before. You 2 basically talk the same way.

Anyway, I will put you on ignore list too.


You have no arguments left other than childish accusations and your paranoid fever dreams. Talking to you is a waste of everyones time. Good luck to you.


Evita isn't trash.




"This will be like all the movies Madonna was in....: TRASH"

Madonna was in Evita. Evita wasn't trash, so you're wrong. Doesn't surprise me if you even haven't heard of it.


evita? that was 100% pure trash. i was right.


They put her in it to make it more Hip I suppose?? I honestly never imagined JOKER getting a sequel, truth be told??


1. She has a fanbase many of which are women. Joker was a movie that appealed to a lot of men, I know many women weren't overly keen on it. Some said it's a movie for incels and a 'red flag' movie, meaning men who like it are of questionable morals. The potential of a Joker movie (iconic character who is very popular among men) and a Gaga movie combining, a follow up to a huge box office hit no less, is easy to see. It could be a big hit by drawing in several demographics as long as it doesn't scare away the incels, I mean men.

2. It's a musical. An actors/actresses ability to sing are very important here. This is why people like Halle Bailey and Rachel Zegler got cast in movies like The Little Mermaid, West Side Story and Snow White, because they can sing. Historically you often encountered instances where uncredited singers sang the songs under the guise that it was actually the actors doing it. Nowadays they've moved away from that and expect the actor themselves to be capable.


do you ever have a take that isnt completely stupid and somehow blames men and brings up incels?


Incels are are a big problem on the Interwebs. Just look at low-IQ einstein.


I agree. I refuse to watch anything with her in it


Why are you on MovieChat? You can't even troll, you shit on every board. Of course she can act!

Highly rated movie starring Gaga:
