mumble much

wow. half the time i couldn't understand a single word. the stupid Boston accent mixed with mumbling was retarded. movie was also boring and overrated.



Thank you for bringing this up. I thought I was the only one.


yeah had same problem with Robin Hood.


I have to wholeheartedly disagree. I might have missed a word or two like I do with any movie. But this was completely intelligble to me.
And one of the best movies I've ever seen.
Low on car crashes and shoot-outs, heavy on character developement...with all the characters.
Mel Gibson is a genius actor.
This movie was formulaic without being formulaic. Does anyone get that?
The scene where he walks off with his daughter at the end was beyond sublime. They didn't care what happened to them in this life. They were together in the best place they could possibly hope for. Thanks, Jesus.


Gibson missed his daughter, but she was not there throughout the movie. She was talking to him in the same way that my father talks to me from the grave. Mostly, it was memories, but sometimes he imagines what she might say.

I found the ending sad. In my opinion, Gibson was still alive at the end. He was, once again, just imagining that he was walking out with his daughter.

Your interpretation works, I suppose, but I never once thought that his daughter returned from the grave to actually speak to him. To me, it was all memories.


I have a hard time hearing dialog in many movies I watch on tv most of the time, and I was hoping it wasn't just because of my tinnitus. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has a hard time following the dialog in some movies. I've read that it has to do with the studios balancing the sound levels for home theatre systems. Maybe, but we do not HAVE room for such a system in our home.



Thanks, iceberg glow. A lot of times the music and the effects ARE too loud.


I find that I am in agreement with almost all of you. I was listening with headphones on and the volume up, so I caught most of it. The only one who was totally intelligible to me was the ("Capt. of what") Englishman with the Cockney accent - but then I am an Englishman. Did anyone notice the dry humour when he was being medically examined? "Could you see a soul in there?" he says to the medical examiner.
I started this movie three times. On the first two occasions I was not in the mood for extreme violence and the Daddy's Girl approach. Having ploughed through the story, I suppose there is a very small chance that nuclear material could be smuggled into the USA from Croatia, but for the level of corruption to have taken place right up to Senator level, seems highly improbable.


I'm about 2/3 of the way through the movie. Couldn't take the mumbling anymore so I went to IMDB to see if I was the only one who thought the mumbling was excessive. Glad to see that I wasn't the only one who thought this.


Agreed, could hardly understand any of the dialogue. Had to turn on the subtitles which I hate.


I understood this fine.

Although Mel Gibson's "Boston" accent felt like a little of a stretch (IMO) I understood every actors dialog 99.9 percent of the time missing maybe 1-2 words said in Ray's dialog. ("Well, we all know what the facts are. We live a while and then we die [sooner than we planned]").. But definitely understandable for the most part.

As for the movie, it was none too bad. The plot itself was interesting. The action mildly enjoyable, and the acting was great.

I gave this a 7/10.


danny huston sounds like he's doing a dracula impression.



Same problem. My wife and I watched it on-demand so no subtitles. I had to keep turning the volume up on certain scenes and then second later we'd get blown away by our surround sound system when the the scene changed to a heightened musical score, gunshot or some other action sequence.


What about closed captioning?


Not everyone has closed captioning! I'm about to give up on this film after Ray W.'s scene. I was ready to start screaming at the screen, "Speak up! Quit mumbling!" He was the worst so far. I can't say that I know much of what has gone on. I usually don't mind his voice, but thsi grated on my nerves.

I came here to do some reading to help me figure it out. I thought it was my old ears but feel better now that I read that others have the same problem.

I really wish I DID have captioning for occasional usage.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


Not everyone has closed captioning!

Every TV made since 1993 has closed captioning. Do you have a TV that is more than 20 years old? If so, I'm impressed.


1991 Quasar ~ It's a fantastic set with a gorgeous picture!

It's the same age as my car.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


I couldn't agree more with the OP. I couldn't understand a lot of what they said either! Talk about a bunch of marble-mouthed actors!
And that accent by Mel Gibson was terrible!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I came here to complain about the dialog too. Glad I'm not the only one. I'm watching via Fancast/Xfinity (Comcast's online on-demand service), which has no options for subtitles or captions.

I had to turn the volume way up when Whitehouse sat down with Craven toward the beginning. Now I'm in the middle of the first conversation between Craven and Jedburgh. I've replayed it about ten times and still can't understand what the hell they're saying. I'm about to punch the screen.

"... I might have looked at the poor bastard you found today."
"You know um killa."
"The unusually woon huh killa."


"I know you don't smoke. I saw yuh doppa fuh. That's my way of telling you you got a doppa fuh."

Okay, finally figured out that doppa fuh = DARPA file. Ugh.


This movie might deserve an 8... I wouldn't know, cause like all the reviews here, I too had a very difficult time making sense of what they were mumbling. I particularly liked "quatrixj"s review... it really summed it up, and I had to laugh out loud!
Sorry Mel, I love your acting, I'm a big fan, but couldn't give it more than a 5.

Hollywood spoils us...we sometimes take top performances for granted!



I thought I've gotten a stroke or something so bad was it...

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.


I've watched movies like that before and it was indeed annoying. But for this I heard everything fine without turning it up full blast. HD speakers though, probably helps.
