mumble much

wow. half the time i couldn't understand a single word. the stupid Boston accent mixed with mumbling was retarded. movie was also boring and overrated.


and I thought my hearing was bad. At first I found the fake boston accent almost unbearable, and then with the british combination was pretty much enough for me to stop watching the movie.


I'm relieved to find out it's not just me. Watching this, I felt like my almost-deaf mother because I kept turning up the volume. Honestly, is it just me or do a lot of movies these days have horribly inconsisent volume levels and actors who mumble or talk very softly? It seems like it's somebody's idea of "style." I was getting worried about my hearing until I read this thread.


*raises hand*

Thank G-d, I thought it was just me too.

I gave up half-way through (OnDemand, couldn't work subtitles) and channel-surfed to Network on TCM. Sweet, crystal-clear enunciation and audible speech. Like night and day.

Whoever pointed out older movies were easier to understand - yes, they are, even with arguably less-advanced sound recording systems. What IS it? It's beginning to be grating.

"We want the finest wines available to humanity. We want them here and we want them now."


quatrixj : Truly a LOL review.

I am placing the blame squarely on the sound edits for this movie. I've watched tons of brit shows and movies and never had a problem.

I thought I was going crazy, because all I know is Mel Gibson and Ray Winston had a glass of booze together.


I think they were all trying to outmumble each other.
I'm British and I couldn't understand Ray Winstone at all.


I also struggle to hear what they were saying... Thought about turning on subtitle but it would be distracting somehow. An excellent film though :)


I really liked this movie, but everyone except Emma, ironically, was muttering SO MUCH!!!! I understand the filmmakers want realism, but the audience has to understand all those important details!! Especially in a movie like this, where practically every word is important to development of the story, you really need to talk clearly!!


I loved this movie too but your so right I was wondering how they let that get through editing. I tried turning up the volume and still you can't make it out. Very frustrating!!!


im from new england so the accent wasnt bad for me, i even understood everything the english guy was saying. his english isnt bad at all compared to the real thick accents ive heard in films like "the business" or "human traffic". but one thing i did notice was how the audio was mastered. a lot of action movies do this, they lower the dialog quite a few decibels, and then when there are action scenes they raise those moments volume up a lot. its annoying to say the least. but any decent home audio system has a feature called, DRC which means dynamic range compression. it keeps the audio level equal through out the movie. if you dont have it on your stereo system, then it might be an option on your dvd player.

i never understood why they did this on home movies, and annoys the shyt out of me. i never notice it at theaters just on dvd. they need a new standard for mastering the audio in these movies.

anyways, thats the reason i had trouble hearing the dialog, it wasnt because of the accent. the "drc" can only do so much, and usually works well, but on this movie particularly, it was pretty bad. not the movie, i liked the movie a lot, i mean the audio discrepancy was real bad.


I had to come to Imdb to see if anyone else couldn't understand a word the english guy was muttering?


Yeah there was a lot of mumbling going on... And it could have been cut down 20 minutes very slow at points

Check out Fresh Nugs, wheezin' the juice...


Maybe you should buy headphones or a hearing aid if ur old.
