MovieChat Forums > Edge of Darkness (2010) Discussion > The scene when the car hit the girl...

The scene when the car hit the girl...


The driver would have to know EXACTLY when she was coming out and would have to go the PERFECT speed. Any slower and she would've been able to evade them. Any faster and they would've passed up their target.


Yup, I thought the same thing.

Also silly was the daughter flying back through the door when hit with the shotgun blast...

Don't mistake fate for coincidence.


Where should she have flown, if not backward, when the shotgun blasted her?


If aliens should land today,
who would be more afraid?


^^^^^^Agreed. Both scenes were not unrealistic. Because a shotgun will have some kind of pattern, usually, this one was more of a slug shot, hence only hitting the girl. Double barrel shot, totally possible.


yeah i found the shot gone scene typical hollywood over reaction .a shot bullet isnt like a regular bullet .its designed more like a pipe bomb .when it explodes it becomes fragmented and spreads .it wouldnt have lifted her off her feet .that's for sure .even at close would have hit her father .


No where, she should have just fallen like a rag doll. Physics.


Where should she have flown, if not backward, when the shotgun blasted her? ves-thanks-to-movies_p2.html

I know a spell that'll make you show your true form! Cave rat taught it to me.


Interesting article, Ricochet. Thanks for posting it. I don't think I'll be able to watch another movie gunfight scene without thinking of it. I especially liked the line:

"In the real world, the power of a bullet doesn't have *beep* on the power of adrenaline and sheer cussedness."

If aliens should land today,
who would be more afraid?



Are the babies in question not human?
And who would shoot a baby in a movie? Don't think I've ever seen that one done, and quite sure I wouldn't want to.

If aliens should land today,
who would be more afraid?


Devil's advocate here -- it wouldn't have been impossible IF:
- they had Mel's car bugged, and heard her saying "Now I'm done"
- there had been a string of assassin cars, and this particular one just got lucky in their timing

You gotta admit, the viewer certainly wasn't expecting THAT to happen. I was standing up eating a cheese sandwich, and it flew right into the air in that split-second, lol.


If aliens should land today,
who would be more afraid?


"I was standing up eating a cheese sandwich, and it flew right into the air in that split-second, lol."

LOLOLOLOLOL That totally cracked me up.

IMO, there are a bunch of problems with that scene:
1. For the moving car to have hit with the speed and force it did, it would have had to already be in motion for a few seconds before she exited the vehicle.
2. Bugging the car wouldn't have helped because they wouldn't know if one or the other would say something to indicate she was about to leave.
3. If the car was bugged, she should have been fine because they wouldn't have known she was going to stay in the car for another few seconds and then announce her being done again.
4. They could have driven off somewhere at the beginning and thus, he might have dropped her off anywhere.
5. Since she was being watched, and if these guys were so good, why didn't they just shoot her after she arranged to meet him but before she actually got there...would have been a lot easier and a lot smarter.


I know, right, after I hit rewind about 20 times, including several times in slow-motion, I finally went back to the kitchen and made myself another, still shaking my head at how they could have done that. I consider myself a pretty smart movie-watcher, and the fact that she got in the car and hugged the daylights out of a man she'd never met and said "I'm so scared" about 300 times, I knew something was about to happen. I figured it'd be a bullet thru her head *after* she closed the door. I certainly didn't anticipate both the door AND her being struck with such immediate force that they were lobbed through the air like a tennis ball. I love love love to be surprised like that by movies. It was worth the lost cheese, lol:)

Again, just playing devil's advocate:
1. I agree. That sucker was flying.
2/3. At least they would have had an indication that the conversation was coming to an end. Even with an enemy, there's usually some form of goodbye when you're done with them. Regardless, I definitely believe that phones, cars, homes/apartments had been bugged by that point.
4. Her car pulled up directly behind Mel's, where he was dozing. He had to return her there eventually. They could have lain in wait for her. Or if she had followed him somewhere else, the bad guys could have followed as well.
5. Wouldn't have been much of an ending, would it, if Mel never received that disc as proof? Story would have either died right then and there, or continued on ad infinitum, while he searched for the truth.


If aliens should land today,
who would be more afraid?


I don't think it is too much of a stretch to believe that the assassin car began moving towards them when the driver felt the conversation was coming to an end, planning to just shoot them both, but when he got closer and saw she was exiting the car he chose to speed up and hit her.


Yes she didn't die from the hit, so the speed could not have been very high - maybe 30 mph. Which could be reached within a very short distance in about 3 seconds.


Sorry, anyone who tries to justify this scene as being plaulisble is being ridiculous. It's a movie so whatever, but when a movie tries be an edgy smart thriller, it has to be above doing things just because they "look cool" or are "unexpected". Putting aside the complete phyiscal impossibility of the driver knowing EXACTLY when she'd be getting out (because it wasn't a few seconds later, it was EXACTLY when she stepped out), and him getting enough speed in that fraction of a second to murder her (as was his intent)--put that aside and look at the absurdity of a high-paid mercenary attempting to kill a damaging witness like this.... after she told everything she knew.

He doesn't shoot her before she can talk (like on the walk from her car to Tom's car...or before she even got there). Doesn't wait for her to get back in her car after talking to tom. Instead he rams her with his car with a precision in timing that no one on earth could ever master and then eliminates *ANY* chance he had at staging it as a random hit and run but busting a 180 and coming back.

Like I said, a movie's a movie but there are so many other ways they could have achieved the exact same result without making it so g**damn stupid. I laugh my a** off every time I come across that scene because of how retarded it is (although the part where Mel whips out his gun and stands unflinching as he unloads the clip in the driver's face was pretty bad ass.

The first one now will later be last, for the times they are a'changin'...


I thought it was pretty clear that the car was just trying to run into them. Probably to make it look like an accident or something along those lines.


Pretty sure that Mel would have seen the car behind him at some point and noticed it.

They were out in the middle of nowhere and any car that came near them would have drawn their attention.


I agree. So many variables to consider. I think the scene is legitimate. These people were expert killers. And they watched and heard everything....well, almost everything.

It's a hormone war zone - boys are out for a fight;


Golly, dude, go to Walmart, watch the cars park, and then predict the exact second that they exit. Some get out immediately. Some fumble for their cell phones. Some yell at their husbands first. Some open the door and then wait until the song on the radio finishes.

Even when you know for sure that people are going to exit immediately, you still have to time the freeking thing.

Sure, people die from that type of an accident, but no, your average high espionage spook isn't going to try to stage one on purpose. Especially since Gibson was the danger, and the girl was relatively irrelevant once she gave the info to Gibson.


Nice observation Bob.....Except! Walmart? Are you really, really sure?


Yeah had the desired effect on me too! That's what movies are all about ....isn't it? Sure, I agree with several doubting Thomas's on here: given that the road was so quiet (an ideal meeting place I suppose) how come neither heard the speeding car hurtling towards them?
But....that is not a criticism on my part....I thouroughly enjoyed the movie. The plot was entirely credible. And therefore worrying. I loved the character of Ray Winstone.....albeit a bit OTT.....I guess I just love the guy full stop!
No, sod the critics...I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.


Lol yes that scene was beyond ridiculous


It was Kurt Russell driving his Deathproof car!


Not only that, but they would have heard a car approaching at that speed or heard him accelerating from a standing start. It was like one of those Final Destination buses out of no where.


Who cares, that moment the film became an adrenaline rush. That scene was amazing and the scene that was unrealistic was when Mel sticks his gun hand in between the door whilst opening it. I see it all the times in movies and ofcourse his arm gets smashed by the door. No one would do that, it doesn't make sense whatsoever. Imagine someone does that, their arm would be broken, and they wouldn't be gettin in at all. Another problem is when he runs into the bathroom. He would never have enough time and the noise would be too loud to get away with what he got away with. Anyway great film, had unrealistic scenarios but was in no way unbelievable as most the crap nowadays.

If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels.
-Prince Phillip


Seriously, the guy was pulling up on them and she stepped out of the car? You guys are thinking about this way to deeply. She stepped out of the car, he was driving towards her at the same time, and ran her over. Not rocket science.


It's harder than rocket science, if that's what you mean. Too many variables.

Rocket science, after all, is science. This scene depended on everything going like clockwork.

Good thing she didn't sneeze or have trouble finding the door handle.


Yes, but it was very effective.
