MovieChat Forums > Edge of Darkness (2010) Discussion > The scene when the car hit the girl...

The scene when the car hit the girl...


The driver would have to know EXACTLY when she was coming out and would have to go the PERFECT speed. Any slower and she would've been able to evade them. Any faster and they would've passed up their target.


It's one of those convenient timed situations. Happens all the time in movies when people are in the exact place at the exact time something specific is going to happen. Or more famously known; in the wrong place at the wrong time.
John McClane in the die hard series is all about it.

Like, it would have been very inconvenient if Bennet weren't home when Craven came over in the end. Or if craven's daughter's boyfriend would have left his home the second time Craven came over, leaving him to just stay there for hours or days waiting.

God's busy, Can I help you?


Yep, I think it's a goof although I guess it could be explained that the assassin's car was speeding up to ram his car anyway then took advantage of the fact that she opened the door and changed last-minute to hit her instead. But that's a real stretch.

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katiedot, I think you are right, that's the only possible explanation. Unless they didn't even expect anyone to say "that's impossible, get out of here, that could never happen in that way," which is also possible.

If the filmmakers were giving the audience credit for having minds, then they must have meant that the car was aiming at Mel and the girl in the parked car, but then the driver saw the girl get out, and swerved at the last second to hit her.

You are toast, my toasty friend.


OMG, it's a fvckin movie. just sit back and enjoy it!

I whispered in her ear "You better fear me dear for I am Death"


I suppose its possible, if he drove toward them slowly, saw her about to get out, then rammed his foot down on the accelerator. Unlikely, but possible.

I nearly pissed my pants when it happened. I DID jerk up out of my seat. A real shocker. I wish I had seen it in a theater with other people. (Maybe a full house.) I'd be curious to witness their reaction.

I know a spell that'll make you show your true form! Cave rat taught it to me.


I thought so too OP. A couple of times the girl looked like she was getting out so did the driver of the other car start heading towards then when she didn't get out, stop and reverse the car so he could get a run up when she actually did get out?

OMG, it's a fvckin movie. just sit back and enjoy it!

So you just watch anything thats on the screen and don't question it in any way shape or form? People like you are the reason computer games and films are getting dumbed down these days unfortunately. If a submarine fell out of the sky and crushed the girl "It's a fvckin movie, enjoy it!"

John Hancock




The shotgun scene was just typical hollywood madness. Point being "to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction"... you didn't see the shotgun guy flying off when he fired.
