MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid ...

Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid with his fist...???

i was like "WTF ??? am i supposed to laugh at that ??" i know the kid was a jerk but come on...he's like 70 Lbs....


Normally I would say poor taste, but it's a comedy and I found it hilarious. If this seriously offended any of you, then don't watch Feast 2, The Mist, 30 Days of Night, etc.... some sick stuff in there involving children. I wouldn't think a little gut punch to a mean little kid would get a rise out of anyone.. Were you also offended when Hancock threw the kid in the air and he cried? Lighten up people.


too funny
ive done that on many occasion


I'm just watching this for the first time, and during that scene where Peter hit the kid in the stomach, I laughed out loud. So, no, I was not offended at all...actually have wanted to do it myself a time or two...

It is what it is, til it's not anymore...


I was totally not offended. (And I don't think he was 70 lbs -- more like 60 lbs soaking wet.) Anyhoo, the reason I wasn't offended is b/c he reminded me of a kid I went to Boy Scout Camp with back when I was 10 who totally deserved to be socked like that.


Not offended, but annoyed at how unfunny the scene, and the whole movie, was.

BTW I am sure that I've seen a quite similar scene in some comedy before. In that movie right after punching the kid, the guy goes "If I get punched, I punch back. Don't matter if it's a kid.".
In that movie the scene worked better.

Not the only ripoff in "Due Date". Of course the whole story is a cheap copy of "Planes Trains & Automobiles", and the ash in the coffee tin was blatantly stolen from "The Big Lebowski".

Furthermore both characters were pretty hard to sympathize with.

Another unfunny movie by Todd Phillips...


Don't aprove it, but still had a good laugh out of it. It was very funny and unexpected.

"That was a courtesy flush. I'm not actually done yet"


i thought it was one of the funnier parts of the movie. not offended at all, i think the reason it made me laugh so much was how absurd it was, it's the kinda thing you'd never immagine seeing in real life, it's like the part in bad lietenant where nic cage's charater pinches the breathing tube coming from that frail old woman's nose, suffocating her whilst he yells abuse at her (if you have'nt senn it i can assure you, it IS as funny as it sounds).
i am a fan of the low brow tho, and to be fair, i think pretty much everyone has encountered some lil baastard kid that really did deserve a good punch in the ribs at one time or another, that's why so many people think this scene was funny.

"this is not nam dude, this is bowling, there are rules."


I'm not too happy when the characters I like in a story beat on little kids. On a lighter note it was poetic that he punched the kid not too long after making a crack about calling Social Services (presumably because of their mother dealing weed in their home and asking a stranger to watch them). As if his idea of good parenting was beating kids when they're out of line, but being a hippie weed dealer mom is irresponsible.


It was discipline..not a beating. Get it right. And being a weed dealing mom is irresponsible..worse than disciplining your child when they should be.

Once you figure out what a joke everything is, being the Comedian's the only thing makes sense


'Offended' doesn't particularly have a meaning anymore. It's been washed to shore covered in seaweed by overly politically correct people like you who just want to 'poor me' the piss out of everything until it has no soul and/or substance anymore. You either find something entertaining or you don't, that's pretty much where it begins and ends. And if you're gonna bitch back, try Night School first, if anything is 'offensive' at all in this world, it's your lack of Grammar and spelling.


Kid had it coming.



Had anyone touched my kids they would have been very sorry.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Why would you hurt another human being? Ageist!

messageboard rules are serious business. like really serious.



This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


perhaps. but you're still saying "revenge" is allowed in your paradigm; as long as the target meets a certain age requirement.

messageboard rules are serious business. like really serious.


Who said?

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


you said. (circles.)

messageboard rules are serious business. like really serious.


Maybe they will instead make you sorry for trying to make them sorry?
