MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid ...

Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid with his fist...???

i was like "WTF ??? am i supposed to laugh at that ??" i know the kid was a jerk but come on...he's like 70 Lbs....


For me that was one of the few entertaining moments of the film


it's a movie. it isn't real life. calm down OP, you phaggot


Sometimes even I get an urge when an annoying kid pisses me off. But I control it. In this scene, Peter tolerated that kid for sometime but that kid was a total jerk.

I guess if I was there in his place, I too would have been very close to hit that kid.


I did react to this, mostly because he was about to have a child himself and it made me wonder what kind of father he would be.
What offends me however is the replies to this thread. It is frightening to see how many people there are that actually thinks this is acceptable behaviour, and the proper way to discipline your kids. This was child abuse, and anyone who thinks differently should not have kids, or be let near them.
I have three kids myself, and it is possible to raise responsible, mature and reasonable children without hitting them. And for those obnoxious classmates of theirs that I have met, it is also possible deal with that type of behaviour without becoming a criminal.

Sidenote: In my country they had to make it a law in '77 to get some people to understand that it is not acceptable to hit children. 34 years later 9/10 here shows that they still don't get it.


Oh grow up.

This was NOT child abuse. This was one of the most annoying, badly behaved children in the world getting what he thoroughly deserved, and, by the looks of it, not before time too.

Yes, it is perfectly possible to raise responsibe, mature and reasonable children without hitting them. However, this particular child had not been raised to be any of the above. He had been brought up by a skanky drug addict and taught that the way he was behaving was acceptable. He had learned that he could do what the hell he wanted, without fear of any consequences.

And before you say it, I have two young children myself. I have never "abused" or assaulted them, maybe this is because they have been taught from an early age what is and what is not acceptable behaviour. The kid in this film had not.

Oh, and let's not forget, we weren't watching a documentary here. We were watching something called "fiction".


some people don't get ...he didn't slap the kid on his head or on his R.D.J's character just punched him


Indeed.........and the kid had it coming.


If you think assault on a minor is acceptable.


If he's not getting any other form of punishment or guidance in his life, and is a very annoying little prick who definitely had it coming then, yes, I do.


Then you're nothing but a bully then, I'd have either just told the parent and failing that I would have walked out. There's never excuse for violence. I just hope nobody else's child is ever put in your care if you think violence is the answer. If you ever did something like that to my child (if I had one) badly behaved or not I'd see you arrested. My own mother father used to smack me as a child and I don't hold any grudges against them for doing so but what does punching them do. It tells teaches them violence is acceptable! We're supposed to be adults who lead by example, what kind of example are you setting when you strike someone half your size?!


Actually I have two young children of my own and I have never struck either one of them because I have never had the need.

Do you really believe that telling that particular parent (a skanky drug addict/dealer) would have had any worthwhile effect?

The child in this film had already used violence against RDJ's character so they already think violence is acceptable. It was clearly, judging by the reaction of the boy, high time that he learned what the consequences of his actions could be.

Thankfully I will never be in a position to be looking after your child. I suspect they will probably turn out as wet as you.


Martin, I find you to be in need of an attitude adjustment, kindly post your address so I can come over and punch you. I'm sure you understand I have no choice but to assault you.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


So if I find your upbringing was lacking and found you to be an annoying prick it would be perfectly OK to physically assault you?

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


circular arguments. merry-go-round. 'n round.

messageboard rules are serious business. like really serious.



martin 66, I suggest you grow up. Punching a kid is not only morally repugnant It's illegal. Ever heard of assault on a minor? Irrespective of any childs background I believe in firm discipline which yes does include smacking/spanking a child. But there's a fine line between that and punching a kid which is violence and should never be tolerated. Yes, this is just a film but that doesn't mean you can't be shocked by something that was put in for comic effect and ended up being anything but. The whole It's fiction is a load of bull and just a lame excuse to defend something that shouldn't be defended.



Difference is that usually in movies if someone is killed comically through murder It's someone of dubious morality. It's some sort of comedic poetic justice and they're grown adults who get their just deserts. Now the difference here is that this is a child and children are emotionally immature and need parental guidance and if they don't they act like this child did. This was trying to say It's funny to punch a child and while I agree that this child had something coming violence wasn't the answer. As for movies with violence against children, I don't have a problem with it depending on the context of the movie. I watched the film "Human Pork Chop" which contains a scene where a killer butchers a family which include small children. Now the context was that he was an evil S.O.B. who would do something like like that. The difference here is that Robert Downey's character who even though he acts like a jerk throughout the movie because of his foul temper, deep down we're supposed to believe he's a decent enough guy at heart. Now when he strikes that kid in the stomach that wasn't the act of of a repsonsible, decent adult. That was the act of a complete jerk who can't resolve the situation in a mature manner and it effects your perception of his character. Now, what the movie seemed to be saying is, is hey so he punched a killed but he's still an ok guy. Yeah right!


So, let me get this straight. You believe in smacking/spanking a child? Is this not "morally repugnant and illegal" too? Is this not "assault on a minor"?

You either believe it is acceptable to strike a child or you do not.

You, sir, are a hypocrite.

Is it not illegal to strike another human being? In most countries it is, and yet do you complain every time you see that in a film? Of course not. In this film RDJ did not embark on a course of child abuse. He punched, once, the most annoying kid I have ever seen on film. This was NOT child abuse.


I'm not a hypocrite, smacking a child and punching them are two seperate things. Smacking a child does not potentially cause physical and is not emotionally scarring like beating a child with you fist is. I know because my parents disciplined myself through smacking and it didn't do me any harm. I think statistics will tell you as well that physically abused children are left emotionally scarred by what happens to them and there is a reason for that. Punching a child in the stomach could lead to serious abdominal problems, I don't see a child coughing up blood from being smacked now do you?

I don't complain when I see violence in a film depending on the context it is shown, say for instance a cop is attempting to take down a bad guy and force is required to protect the innocent of course It's going to be acceptable to do so under the circumstances. Now compare that to punching a child for just being an annoying brat. The two hardly bare comparing when reasonable force could be used. Use some common sense.


I'm sorry, but it is hypocritical to OK some kinds of assault while deploring other kinds. Striking another person is assault, plain and simple.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


We've kind of gone beyond the scene in this movie. It's amazing what people will do to children in the name of "discipline". They nod their heads approvingly to actions that, if done to another adult, would get them arrested.

I agree with you that children need to be taught right from wrong at an early age, but it wasn't his place to ball up his fist and drive it into the 7 year-olds body. Getting up and walking away would have been a bit better solution than assault. Or maybe, instead of striking the child, HE should have called Child Protection. Yes, the kid was a jerk, but he knew no better because of the way he was raised, while Downey's character was supposed to be a mature, educated adult,

Corporal punishment is a sign of a weak mind.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.



I thought it was hilarious.


I just thought it was taken from another movie that was funnier than this one. This movie seems to be a copy or a blend of every other truly hilarious movie. Planes, Trains and Automobiles, the Big Lebowski, Harold and Kumar and other such ones.


i'm more offended by the op's spelling.

There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid people...who ask questions.


funniest scene in the movie.

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


No. I actually am a firm believer in unconventional and politically incorrect humor. Nice to see a comedy for once that has some balls (looking forward to Super for that very reason as well). Most comedies, even R-rated ones, are much too safe these days in terms of content.
I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!


I would've rather been punched in the stomach one time than spanked for 10-15 minutes as a kid. I think most kids would choose the punch. I don't have a problem with what Peter did. The boy didn't even cry. Peter asked the kid repeatedly to stop. Asking didn't work, so he found a solution that did. A solution that showed the kid he can't do that crap to Peter and get away with it.


And what a mature solution it was.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
