MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid ...

Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid with his fist...???

i was like "WTF ??? am i supposed to laugh at that ??" i know the kid was a jerk but come on...he's like 70 Lbs....



It seemed in bad taste.

My boyfriend laughed alot, and i thought "did he really just PUNCH that kid?" How can he be having a child!

But it was fine. Dont be so overdramatic people.




Props to you. If only I had the gall to do that.

"...Due to cruel circumstances that would not be allowed to happen quite that easily..."


I was kinda hoping he would body slam the kid.


RDJ was not the kid's father, he was a stranger. It might have been different if he was hit by his father or some other relative, but it was a stranger, so it didn't bother me. That kid needs to learn that if you harrass a stranger to the extend that he did, there are potential consequences.


so..i get that some of you are ok with hitting a kid. RJD's character was an adult. the kid was like 7 or 8...RJD was stronger,bigger than the kid



Kid was begging for it. I laughed pretty hard. It's even funnier because Peter's having a baby with his wife and look how he treats the annoying ones

"I told you it's not fat, it's power!"


I always have the urge to hit obnoxious kids, but fortunately for them my conscience keeps me from going the extra step. This is only a movie and the scene was just acting so it was nice to finally see an obnoxious little $h!t get what he deserved onscreen.

If anyone thought this scene was offensive, they should see the ending of Day of the Locust, which involves Donald Sutherland stomping an obnoxious brat to death.



I have the erge to see Day of the Locust now lol

"I told you it's not fat, it's power!"


one of the funniest moments of the movie

listen to the receiving end of sirens.


Ofcourse not, kids need to learn that actions have concequences, act like a dick, get punched in the stomach. It was probably my favorite part of the movie.


I know it's only a film but that bit slightly irked me. I know the kid had something coming and it's not real but it seemed to be in slightly poor taste and this is coming from a guy who doesn't get easily upset or offended (I've sat through movies like "Braindead" and enjoy the risque and contentious animated series "Family Guy"). If people found it funny then fair enough I just don't see what's funny about a kid (or anyone for that matter) getting punched in the stomach. Having said that I do agree with some posters here in regards to some kids needing discipline and that they need a good slap. Not that I advocate violence but there's a difference between slapping and punching. One is discipline and the other isn't. I think the line is there between the two and anyone who tries to say anyone who would slap a child is a hypocrite then in my opinion they're seriously deluded!
