MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid ...

Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid with his fist...???

i was like "WTF ??? am i supposed to laugh at that ??" i know the kid was a jerk but come on...he's like 70 Lbs....


I'm sure every adult wanting to hit a kid and get away with it one time or the other.... especially annoying kids like that!!


I know and I feel like doing it sometimes myself and the film just been projecting some latent fantasy wish fulfilment to it's audience. But there's a fine line between smacking a kid and punching them. The problem in modern society is that too many kids get away with murder. There isn't the standard of discipline there was when my parents were children. I feel as if I sound like an old man when I talk like this but the fact of the matter is that I personally think corporal punishment should be reintroduced in to schools. I know some parents wouldn't like it (along with a load of kids of course lol) but frankly I couldn't give a sh!t. It's all very well if a parent is prepared to put up with their kids unruly and anti-social behaviour it's another when others have to suffer as a result. Fact is that is what's happening. I know this has been slightly off topic but It's something that really bugs the hell out of me!


I have no problem with the school system bringing corporal punishment back. I finished High School 4 years ago and I still can't get over how disrespectful many kids were to their teachers. If corporal punishment were brought back, ungrateful little brats will be scared $h!tless at the mere thought of stepping out of line.



in other words you support child abuse...


No we support discipline. It's only soft do gooders like yourself who think corporal punishment or smacking is abuse. I was smacked when I was a child and so where other members of my family and those I know and it never did them any harm. Ditto my parents etc. and they faced corporal punishment as children and themselves endorse it. Children who are subjected to child abuse tend to come out of it psychologically and/or emotionally scarred. How many people who were smacked as children or were given the strap for example have ended up emotionally or psychologically scarred?!


some people get smacked, their life continues...some others get smacked , when they're 20 they go on a killing spree.


Evidence?! Proof?! The country as in the UK has started to become more severe in more recent years in trying to deal with parents who smack their kids and corporal punishment was abolished and look at the how the the state of society has declined in regards to anti-social behaviour!


People keep talking about how to punish a kid, as if RDJ was his father or something, but he wasn't, he was a stranger. It wasn't an issue of punishing one's child. It was a kid harassing a stranger and finding out there are consequences. I'm okay with that.


Offended? I was pleased. That kid was a total annoying jerk.

Seriously, even if you found it disturbing, keep in mind that he wasn't actually hurt.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)



That was the funniest scene in a mostly unfunny film.


no, i found it hilarious. learn how to take a joke and stop being so uptight about it.
it's shock humour...the whole point of it is to cause a bit of controversy (but you can't help but giggle because you know you shouldn't), not have you in stitches of laughter.
it's entertainment and i've certainly had the urge to punch a kid from him/her being incredibly annoying in the past.

but then again, i'm 18 and british.
that scene was right up my street LOL


What's funny about a kid let alone anyone getting punched in the stomach? Just seems like easy humour for people who are easily amused. Shock humour is all very well and good but that was just lame. I'm certainly someone who is uptight and have laughed at some really stuff that might shock other people.


No I'm not offended by stuff I know isn't really happening. See, the thing to remember when you're watching a movie is IT'S A *beep* MOVIE! Stop being such p*ssies and getting offended by everything.

We've all wanted to hit obnoxious kids and most of the time they deserve. It was nice to see this little sh*thead kid get what he deserved.



I'm surprised that scene is getting so much attention. Here's a list of illegal activities the two main characters took part in:

Bringing illegal drugs on an airplane.
Stealing a wallet.
Lying to airport security to the point where an innocent man if placed on a no-fly list.
Buying illegal drugs.
Driving a car under the influence of said illegal drugs.
Leaving the scene of a very severe accident.
Shooting a man in the leg (it was an accident but Ethan did not have a permit and the gun was essentially stolen from a police officer).
Entering a country illegally.
Resisting arrest.
Damage to the border patrol facility.
Stealing a police truck and trailer.
And Peter's assault on Ethan was several times more severe than a single punch in the gut.

While the main characters didn't do this, the man in the wheelchair beat Peter with a metal rod with little provication. Oh, and the brief scene in which we see Ethan's brother, he's driving drunk.

These are all worse crimes than punching a kid but no one here is saying anything. Why is the scene with the kid any worse?


A.P. I salute you sir.

You apparently had the stomach to sit all the way through this unwatchable pile of garbage. And for that you have my respect and admiration.


No I did not laugh at it, neither was I offended. Kid needed that. Kids like that break into girl's pants.
