MovieChat Forums > The Tourist (2010) Discussion > So at what point did you know? SPOILERS

So at what point did you know? SPOILERS

I diddn't know anything about this movie before seeing it so I wasn't looking for a twist but some some things caught my attention.

1) When the tourist first gets attacked in the hotel bedroom the morning after the kiss he scales across some roof tops and balconies without any hesitation. While this diddn't give it away to me I thought it to be a bit strange for a teacher.

2) When the crime boss kingpin strangles one of his men, I got the feeling that it was pretty cliché and to not expect much in the way of intelligence form the movie.

3) I only guessed it was him when he excaped from the police at the end and the head police guy kept saying he will turn up.

So when did you guess it was him?


when Johnny Depp came back from the airport (ballroom scene)


When I hit "play"


I clearly saw the twist coming, but very near the end. Either when he disappeared from the van or when he walked into the room, somewhere around there.


The moment she sat with him on the train I started suspecting but I would change my mind several times during the movie. It didn't really feel like a twist to me because I was sort of expecting it.


I guessed as soon as angelina jolie read the letter telling her to look for someone of her husband's hight and build... and by the time she got onto the train I was seriously supecting it. However, I was thrown off a couple of times. eg. during scenes where depp is alone in a room and isn't doing anything different to his "math" teacher persona.


I myself was quite sure early on , during her first conversation with him on the train.

I'm the kind of guy, when I move - watch my smoke. But I'm gonna need some good clothes though. I was still remembering the wording in the note and it hit me that he very well had this planned.


Right at the beginning actually. But I must admit that later on I wasn't too sure. So perhaps I should have stuck with my original feeling.
By the way, remember "The Sixth Sense" with that marvellous twist? I really did see that right at the beginning. Just couldn't understand why the critics kept telling me how good the twist was.


Not until he opened the safe. I just thought it would be way to lame for Depp to be him. And yet it was lame.

Team Jacob! It's a wolf thing...


I had a suspicion when Depp walked into the stand-off at the end. But then I thought better of it because that would be a retarded ending.

I contemplated several completely different retarded endings. The older brother (that's really just Depp in different make-up). Paul Bettany is really Pearce. Depp works for Pearce (I really thought this was the real ending).

Hell, after Salt I half expected JOLIE to be Pearce. Meaning Pearce never actually existed in the first place. That would have been a retarded ending too, but at least would have allowed one of those cool flashback montages explaining how she did it.


I suspected for a while but knew for sure when they were at the final stand-off scene in the room with the safe. Its just that the mysterious "other" person dropping off envelopes was left too vague to be of importance. Doing a bit of Sherlock Holmes deduction, there was nobody left to be Pearce BUT Johnny Depp. Also they had mentioned plastic surgery.

It wasn't a completely stupid ending, imho, but I think Angelina Jolie would have been able to recognize him at least a little, despite the surgery changes. Still Depp did a good job of gradually transforming from clumsy American boob to dashing British hero/thief.


Yeah the rooftop scene, I thought this guy has balls.
Also when they bring up his file they say his wife was deceased, but he tells uhh Jolie that she left him, so that was odd too. I just watched the film so I noticed.
Other things too.

4/10 Did not like the twist


I started to think it was him when he was in that white suit lighting up the cig.

<Generation "me" is an EPIC FAILURE>


I realized that the guy had to be one of the characters and Depp's was the one and only possibility.

I'm the kind of guy, when I move - watch my smoke. But I'm gonna need some good clothes though.


I didn't know til the end when he opened the safe. From the second half of the movie i thought "oh come on, he couldn't possibly be. that's be just too ridiculous" . I was wrong

