He's no Kevin Sorbo

And that's all I have to say.


Weird his movie career never took off

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


i love you


Sorbo just didn't have any kind of edge to him. Until he made God is not dead.


I like Sorbo also. BUT NOT AS HERCULES!!!!!

Hercules (Heracles)has always been depicted a man in loin cloth (or even naked in Greek depictions) and DEFINITELY with FACIAL hair. His time was 3500 to 4000 years ago when PANTS HAD NOT BEEN INVENTED! He walked the rocky terrain of Greece NOT THE TROPICAL WOODS OF NEW ZEALAND!

A clean shaven man in pants walking in the jungle was totally wrong, wrong, wrong and a good reason why the mythology genre should be handled by people who have reasonable knowledge of mythology.


look, i love mythology as much as the next avid reader of the classics but you need to pick your battles.


It was the 90's - full beards weren't in, and even goatees were a bit rebellious.


Kevin sold out after doing God's not Dead. Don't even mention his name.


Because he did a religious movie, his name should never be mentioned? Never saw God is not Dead, and probably never will, but who cares? He is a religious guy, and made a religious movie.


Thank the Gods for that .

Kevin Sorbo lost his hero privileges after that God is not Dead fiasco painting atheists as morons who deserve to get shot. And basically calling Ferguson protestors out for acting as ''animals'' you know for protesting.

Screw him , he is no hero .
In a fair universe, we would all be better people.


he did not "sold out" he was that kind of person all the time, its just that before that he wasnt famous enough to get his way.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Before he wasn't famous to sell theocratic lies. Now he is.


You're right. This Hercules actually has muscles and a beard!


Kevin Sorbo did an awesome job voicing as Hercules in "God of War 3". It felt satisfying demolishing Hercules in that game and even more satisfying after watching this crappy movie - had to play that one part of the game to kick his ass and make myself feel better.


No *beep*

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Total Recall (1990)


