He's no Kevin Sorbo

And that's all I have to say.


I came here to say exactly that.

He is not Kevin Sorbo. Period.

What are you hungry for?

Total honesty. That is it.


Yeah, and we're all very happy for that.


I thought he was perfect for the part and played it well. This isn't directed at Kevin but one of the things I appreciated was that the Rock in this looked like a man and not one of the muscly but plastic ken dolls that hollywood normally spits out.


Rock was surprisingly good in his role as Hercules and I enjoyed the movie for what it is. As for Kevin, he's my preferred version of Hercules as I love that TV show very much. Each take is different, therefore you can't criticize Kevin's rather lean look, because he was supposed to look like that as opposed to bulked-up, overly muscular demigod. I really don't get this criticism of Kevin can't act, his emotional scenes within the show were superbly done unlike many actors who can't even cry properly when moment calls for it, Kevin did it so well. I'd have very much appreciated a cameo of his.


I laughed when I read your thread title. I remember thinking, "Where's Kevin?" when this started. Even funnier, I was thinking of that scene in one of the early Andromeda episodes when someone describes Capt Hunt as "a Greek god or something."


I know I was so disappointed


To be fair, I think I kind of liked Kevin Sorbo better. Especially that episode with the chinese(?) alchemists that tossed bombs around, and Antigone, who was a warrior-princess(!) happened to be around. I'll never forget that one. Or the one with Dracula. Oh, dear...
Fun times.


Well I enjoyed this movie a lot. Why? because the acting are top notch. The story and plot was solid too because it allowed me to guess who was the traitors etc before they reveal it and by that I mean the scout and Hercules ex-king.

The only thing I unable to guess was who set up the ambush with the large stream of tribesman in green paint? I'm guessing they're the one responsible for villages pillaging? This mean the scout knew about it.

I also want to add something:

The new Hercules (2014) give us a sense of real reality that every son of God was man made. It was all about the story teller brainwashing us again and again and its up to us to accept it or go "hmmmm nope I'm smarter than that"

This movie kinda remind me Jesus. He ended up dying because his own people got jealous and plotted his death. "If it bleed, it can be kill" even if hes the son of God and we all know those that died on the cross has to experienced the most horrific pain imaginable.


I agree. Rock's better.
