MovieChat Forums > The Social Network (2010) Discussion > Doesn’t feel like David Fincher?

Doesn’t feel like David Fincher?

I liked the movie but did anything about it actually feel like a David Fincher film?


The moody cinematography of the first half in Boston does feel Fincher-esque to me. Beyond that, I think I'd need to take some time to deeply consider it. It does feel different from, say, Se7en or Zodiac or The Game.

But Fincher has done "different" before. Remember he also directed Benjamin Button.


I don't know. Benjamin Button may not have been a dark satire like Fight Club or a or bleak thriller like Se7en but it did have a moody & strange tone that I feel is in line with Fincher's style. The Social Network is the only movie that I often completely forget was a Fincher film.


Because it is an Aaron Sorkin film. From his script for The Social Network.."If you had invented would have invented Facebook!" From his script for Charlie Wilsons War..."If you were supposed to be stationed in'd be stationed in Helsinki!"


Right on. Ive been a Sorkin fan for decades and the dialogue was instantly recognizable. This is a such a dialogue heavy film that the overall style started skewing more Sorkin. But Fincher is most definately still present


I would need to rewatch Benjamin Button to fully comment on it. I only saw it once, when it came out in theaters. But from my recollection it felt pretty different from Fincher's usual thing, though I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the subject matter.


For me, everything about it was Fincheresque.
