MovieChat Forums > Lioness (2023) Discussion > I spit my coffee all over my screen...

I spit my coffee all over my screen...

Laysla De Oliveira is cast as a Force Recon Marine. For Pete's sake.


What does a Force Recon Female Marine look like?

A normal female.

I see you are another poster who lives in fantasy world and needs to enter the real world

females who serve in all branches of military are not these super muscle ladies.


I'm with clashwho on this one.
I am not bodyshaming this actress, but look at this photo of her:
and from the show's promotional photos:
Her arms are twigs. Do you have any idea how physically demanding it is to qualify as a Force Recon Marine?
This is what female Marines look like:
LIFETAKERS and HEARTBREAKERS! Just like their male counterparts.


She looks like a honey-trap, not a Marine.




'and from the show's promotional photos:
Her arms are twigs. Do you have any idea how physically demanding it is to qualify as a Force Recon Marine?'

I know it's all fiction, but if we're talking about realism for a moment there's no way in that promotional shot that she's anywhere near combat fit (I was a Royal Marine).


she's hot


You clearly have no idea what it means to be a force recon marine. The one living in a fantasy world is you if you think Laysla De Oliveira looks at all credible as a force recon marine.


You people have no clue.

In this series she was an athlete and had very high IQ both these are highly wanted this is how she got in it even showed in it the series and this is true to life.

Gal Gabot served look at her she was skinny (not in US)


Lean and muscular vs "skinny" (which you imply as frail) are two different things. 😉


Served how though man? Gal Gadot was calisthenics instructor in the IDF, not Sayeret Matkal (equivalent of Force Reconnaissance Marines which are special forces). I don’t think your analogy works.


Don’t confuse the wee lad. Him so happy living on him comic book world, innocent of the company of women.

This network produces NOTHING but failure-bound crap. Loser after loser all from the mind of their resident producer, who must suck a mean crank.


I like your posts R_Kane. You always bring the heat.


Thank you. I enjoy yours, as well.


It's fiction. That's how fiction works.


It's the kind of casting I'd expect in a comic book movie or a space opera, not a movie aspiring to something more realistic.
