MovieChat Forums > Peacemaker (2022) Discussion > Episode 7. Still woke garbage

Episode 7. Still woke garbage

Decided to watch it till the end. Its not getting better. They are still inserting woke nonsense in every episode and its very cringe.

Vigilante is upstaging Peacemaker every time he in on screen. Even when writers make him say idiotic stuff. John Cena tries but Peacemaker has no personality. He is just walking around being sad and cries a lot with ugly crying face. Occasionally he fights. Sometimes it feels like he is guest star in his own show.

Now the woke stuff. Yep they are still obsessed with nazi nonsense . This episode showed nazi daddy dressing in Iron-Man-like suit, beating the crap out of Peacemaker. Then out of nowhere nazi daddy went full on woke and declared that Peacemaker was sleeping with women and men. Thus sending woke idiots all over the Internet in happy mood and declaring that Another Marvel Character joined Alphabet community.

Then Vigilante showed up and destroyed his costume. Because Vigilante has brains. So that Peacemaker could defeat daddy. Oh and there were daddies little helpers - fellow nazies who were running around in stupid kkk white masks. Despite going on a mission to kill Peacemaker - most of them were armored with their own bare hands, few baseball bats, and 1 or 2 pistol and automat. They were so ridiculously bad that old, overweight tech nerd killed them all from their own weapon. ))))


Stop crying! Gunn is bathing in manbaby tears.

Show has 8.5 rating, last two episodes highest.


Wait, what Marvel character joined the alphabet community?

And hating nazis isn't woke.


My bad. I dont follow comics that close and forgot which ones Peacemaker is. He is of DC.

Woke is - being obsessed with nazies and keep bringing them in Hollywood movies despite that fact that they all stopped being relevant 77 years ago when WW2 ended. Yet Hollywood woke idiots keep inserting them in movies and pretend that they freely live in USA, walk around with their tattoos, have huge gatherings.

They dont. Those nazies only exist in woke heads. And every time they want to show "White Man Bad" (their woke prayer) - they create nazies as villains in modern day set movies. Its extremely ridiculous.

Like they couldnt even make them dangerous. They hired 15 extras, put kkk hood on them and told them to run around on set. So they did. Then old nerd guy took their weapon and killed them all in one take.


Woke is - being obsessed with nazies and keep bringing them in Hollywood movies despite that fact that they all stopped being relevant 77 years ago when WW2 ended. Yet Hollywood woke idiots keep inserting them in movies and pretend that they freely live in USA, walk around with their tattoos, have huge gatherings.

First of all, they're not nazis, they're white supremacists. And those are highly relevant today.

They dont. Those nazies only exist in woke heads. And every time they want to show "White Man Bad" (their woke prayer) - they create nazies as villains in modern day set movies. Its extremely ridiculous.

Maybe, but the white supremacist White Dragon has been around since the late 80's.

Like they couldnt even make them dangerous. They hired 15 extras, put kkk hood on them and told them to run around on set. So they did. Then old nerd guy took their weapon and killed them all in one take.

Yeah, that was a bit silly.


White supremacists are statistically absent from modern American society. The only place they are significant is in the eyes of the liberal media, but it's not like there is a big part of the population that are white supremacists. They have rallies, and like 40 people show up. Fast forward to BLM, which has it's own racial agenda, and there are entire cities being overthrown. When is the last time a group of white supremacists actually did anything? They are just a convenient scapegoat for Democrats to continue our racial divide because it brings them voters, nothing more.


And what exactly is BLM's racial agenda.


Remembered one more woke thing. So that short green guy escaped and was eating product placement near store. And of course 2 white douchbags walked near buy and started laughing at him and so he beat them up. And even diverse store worker gave green guy thumb up for that. Meaning he hated them too.

Would never happen if those were 2 black dudes. Nowadays writers will never casually write in 2 a-hole black dudes walking around and taunting diverse villain character so he would kick them up. Only white are written like that. Thats why its called "Woke Garbage".

And I think Blond petite woman was kicking arses of men twice bigger then her again ar some point. But at this point Hollywood is hopeless on that one.


Would never happen if those were 2 black dudes. Nowadays writers will never casually write in 2 a-hole black dudes walking around and taunting diverse villain character so he would kick them up. Only white are written like that. Thats why its called "Woke Garbage".

Because if you have black assholes, some woke Karen cunt will shout racism.


Why are you still offended by how nazis are portrayed? Nazis have been villains for 75 years in Hollywood but NOW it's a problem?
I bet you can't even watch Indiana Jones without having a rage fit.


Whoa - how did you get to ep. 7, if you stopped watching after the first 2?


The character's father has been a Nazi in the source material since at leas 1986 so what are you crying about?

Should they change the character's origin story so they won't hurt your feelings?


His daddy was some ordinary worker for nazies during WW2. Then put it all behind and lived quiet. Then was outed and committed suicide out of shame. He was not some old nazi fart in superhero costume.

Not to mention all those comics were created in post world war 2 era and nazies were fresh villains. Along with soviets. Thats why many comics characters have connection to it.

Peacemaker is set in year 2022. And nazies as villains look very stupid. Because they dont exist for 70 years now. But woketards have unhealthy obsession with them and keep inserting them everywhere. You have to be lefty to not see it.


Want some attention, huh?


All immature kids want attention.
