Is it

Really stalking when you want them to stalk you and contact them because they aren't stalking you?

This ugly fucker is an egomaniac. Don't give him any more attention.


And follows her to her apartment and watches her in that big window. In many ways, he’s more dangerous than she is. More dangerous than anybody. He inserts himself in people’s lives, starts a ruckus, and then steps back. Oh, poor me. Look at what I have to deal with.

“I do think she sent all these messages. And I do think that shows that she has an obsessive streak, certainly in relation to Richard Gadd. But I also think, by his own admission, he himself is a pretty damaged individual and he admits to leading her on.” (Piers Morgan)


Did you even watch the entire series? Your encapsulation seems to indicate otherwise.


I did btw. I think clearly she was unusual from the moment she sat at the bar. She was very likable as well. But there were many times. Many times he could have left the conversation but he did everything to involve himself. He initiated the relationship actually because anyone else, especially a bartender, would have stopped it in its tracks. He was abysmal at his standup comic routines but she made him funny. And she made this movie and made him famous. What is she getting out of it. Death threats. And I loved her. I loved her laugh. I loved her conversation. She has a superior wit. I feel empathy and sympathy for her. Seeing her in that small apartment. Little to no money. Extremely intelligent. But not fitting in. Her childhood. And his story, although compelling and beautifully scripted (the actress who portrays Martha deserves an academy award), is kind of a betrayal.


I agree With you about the actor that played Martha - she did an outstanding job. But I don't agree with your assessment of the real life stalker. I have known plenty of stalkers and they are not harmless people.


Stalking is never good. But the real one was never convicted. Gadd himself has explained that he had used some artistic licence in parts and that the truth had been "tweaked slightly to create dramatic climaxes.” In his case, he crossed a lot of lines that others would have seen, which is why the op posted the post. I cried at the end of this series with the letter explaining the term baby reindeer. It was a little Blanche DuBois in the end. Don’t you think? “Whoever you are—I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.”

This actress, Jessica Gunning, was memorable in an earlier British TV series called What Remains. My heart went out to her in that one too.


Oh, you are so right about that Baby Reindeer part. And I did enjoy how after the series ended how it did humanize her and make her sympathetic rather than leave a narrative that she was just a lunatic.

Also, the scene between him and his parents when his father spoke the one succinctly and profound sentence made me tear up with what his father replied to him.


I agree. The scene with the parents was touching and especially with the dad was unexpected. It was very moving. A lot of heartbreaking moments in this series.


I just realized you were talking about the actual stalker. Making a distinction between that and the stalker in the series? I have to be honest I know nothing about the real one.


I have to ask - are viewers like you even watching the entire series before offering comments?

I looked around a bit about this and the woman in this series is crazy and mentally ill and after one reporter interviewed her guess what happened? Yes, she started stalking the reporter.

My point is, so many people that make all these comments are so lacking in sympathy when it comes to their behavior choices due to everything from insecurity to mental illness that it becomes such a bore when reading juvenile-like replies with little depth.

This guy, through the series and in post-interviews, has clearly explained his decision making in ways that do make sense to those knowledgable about human behaviors and mental illnesses, but not so when it comes to the overwhelming public that lack such ability.


He put her and her problems on display for the world to see for profit.

When someone is down, do you try to help them or capitalize on them being down?
