Battle Royale Comparisons

Is anyone else tired of seeing Battle Royale on this forum when it's for The Hunger Games? Some people look at this for enjoyment and what other people say, not that people keep saying THG is a ripoff of Battle Royale.

"Because she came here with me." Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games


It is a rip-off, and a bad one at that... Battle Royale was witty, funny and actually made sense, none of which can be said about the Hunger Game, which is BR for dummies.


There you go, stating your opinion that a movie is good with no proof other than that it's your opinion. And on another thread you called yourself a half-wit. Why would anyone believe anything you say?

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



Oh Sir CB, your'e back, and still trying to prove that you are right and the world is wrong. Well the vast/huge/practically total majority of the world that never heard of 'Battle Royale' along with Suzanne Collins. I'l give you credit for sticking by your theory even though it's a crazy one. I kind of feel sorry for you. It must be hard for you to realise that the world moved on without 'Battle Royale' making a scratch on it's surface.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


Well, there's a whole world of people out there, numbering pretty much in the billions, so don't be surpised if ever now and then one or two of them are stuck by the blatant rip-offitudenuosness of Collin's so-called body of work...

'Nuff said. It's one of the reasons why I believe the movie is pretty great cinema in general.


I don't get why some fans of the Hunger Games keep freaking out when people mention Battle Royale. I mean, come one, the similarities are there, OF COURSE people will notice and say something about it.


Similarities do not equal intellectual theft, and that is a fact that some people have a hard time understanding. Both books have a Deathmatch-Last Man Standing premise. This is clearly based on the same antecedent, the Roman Gladiatorial Games. With both books having the same cultural base, why are people calling Suzanne Collins a liar when she has stated quite clearly that she never read heard of 'Battle Royale'? To base a book on such a powerful theme has been done before many time. At least Howard Fast is not accused of ripping off BR when he wrote 'Spartacus'. Nobody even thinks of Takami as ripping off Nigel Kneale.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



Box-office-wise, and therefore in popular appeal, THG >> BR


Is anyone else tired of seeing Battle Royale on this forum when it's for The Hunger Games? Some people look at this for enjoyment and what other people say, not that people keep saying THG is a ripoff of Battle Royale.
Copyright laws should be abolished for the sake of intellectual evolution of mankind. It's not about individualism, it's about the evolution of life!




