Battle Royale Comparisons

Is anyone else tired of seeing Battle Royale on this forum when it's for The Hunger Games? Some people look at this for enjoyment and what other people say, not that people keep saying THG is a ripoff of Battle Royale.

"Because she came here with me." Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games


I don't mind when authors "tribute" to greater works, such as all those "Romeo and Juliet" clones there are out there, but that's stories paying homage to the Masters.

Then we have those that step a bit too much over the line. If you read the plot story - in which it's just about what the story is about - it's about young people that through a lottery is selected to fight until only one stands alive. That's the core plot, and to be honest I understand that the comparison springs up.

It's the same with the ever ongoing case of the Inheritance Cycle, which has the same structure in which its story coincide very strangely with other stories, stories that the author proclaims has nothing to do with his inspiration, despite the fact that you can trace - and pinpoint - the different inspirational stories throughout his books.

I don't mind stories that cover the same theme, such as Stephen King's "1408" which in basic is just another "The haunted hotel / motel room" that there are so many off. It's not about whether or not it has been done before, it's all about how it's done anew. Granted, I dislike the Twilight films with a passion, but still the plot story is in its basics just another Romeo and Juliet story, yet the execution of it is different, and that's what sets it apart, and that's the main importance as well. How it's done, not that it's done. And to be honest - yet again - I think that The hunger games and Battle Royal shares a bit too much with each other in terms of plot.





I haven't read BR, but I have seen the movie. If the movie is even close to the book (and often movies are not, so I'm only speaking tentatively), then BR is far superior to HG.

The author obviously took inspiration from BR, but developed the backstory of the characters and the reason for their struggle adequately. The little bit that I have to use as a comparison puts BR as a far superior (if not completely original) story.

If you haven't read Hunger Games, I'd highly suggest it. The violence is not left out of the story, although I'd put it at a G level of description and not R.


Really, exactly what? I mean what exactly does BR have in it's "plot" that was entirely original to BR that THG copied? Remember it is to be something entorely original to BR. I await your answer.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



How can she rip off a series that was never released in English until years later?



I just thought of another one, Nuriko's best friend (super sweet) Megumi is killed by Mitsuko towards the beginning of the movie (I consider Nuriko the main female protagonist, as Battle Royale has a larger ensemble cast than Hunger Games). This is similar to Rue being killed by Marvel. Megumi's death is also avenged by another friend of her's (I forget her name) similar to Thresh killing Clove (although unsuccessfully because Mitsuko gets the gun away from her)



Well seeing as how BR enjoys a worldwide popularity from all walks of life while THG appeals only to tween girls of the USA, I'd ask you to reassess my definition of what entails a "cult" film (as I have).

Also there's 3 ppl using this account so your little distraction tactics won't work here.





That's really interesting. I notice the poster underneath could not refute this reasoning and had a psychotic, rambling tantrum instead.




Enough. Whatever fanbase THG had, they have all moved on to The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2. History shall now forget The Hunger Games for all time. It's small significance erased by the fickle whims of Time.

<insert tumbleweeds blowing by>


Nope, but they did watch 'Argo'. What they didn't watch was 'Transformers, Dark of the Moon'. They left that for the BR trolls. Though it may have been a bit difficult for most of the to understand. Goodness knows, they can't understand 'Battle Royale'.

A good film is a good film no matter how old you were when you saw it.



Because they are better movies and tell a different story from anything being produced in Japan? Unforunately your ravings don't exactly match up with the reality of the Japanese box office. They loved 'Frozen' and why not it is a charming film. I do love some of the titles, 'Stand by Me Doraemon', 'Meitantei Conan:', and 'Thermae Romae II' AKA Thermal Rome. A heavy hint of Western culture there.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



Yawn, yawn, whine , whine. American movies are at the top of the Japanese box office and always have been.
I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



why do you call Thermae Romae as a heavy hint of Western culture
Never heard of it, but I do know enough Latin to translate the title as "Hot Baths in Rome". That sounds rather Western.


The first one was about a time traveling Roman architect that comes to Modern Japan and learns about bath houses. I think, it's never been released in the UK or the US. But from the photos I've seen here on the IMDB it does have a strong Western influence.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



I haven't read BR, but I have seen the movie. If the movie is even close to the book (and often movies are not, so I'm only speaking tentatively), then BR is far superior to HG.

The author obviously took inspiration from BR, but developed the backstory of the characters and the reason for their struggle adequately. The little bit that I have to use as a comparison puts BR as a far superior (if not completely original) story.

If you haven't read Hunger Games, I'd highly suggest it. The violence is not left out of the story, although I'd put it at a G level of description and not R.


Yeah, I'm sure tons of people are tired of it( I'm not ) but how exactly is making a thread to complain about that any better?




And no wonder, but don't worry hardly anyone pays attention.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


The real problem is that they keep saying one is better than the other, they both have flaws and for me they are completely entirely different topics and movies, Battle Royale has a much more specific message, THG has a wider society in general message. Also there is a 1 hour introduction before the battle in THG while BR just jumps into action at the 10 min mark or so.

Most people who argue are either BR hardcore fans or THG hardcore fans, unable to see the flaws of either or.
