kids orgy?

I haven't read the novel but apparently it contains an orgy involving the kids. I assume that's not making the film.


This has been talked about to death. It's very likely not to appear in the film. In the book, it was more a scene of Beverly trying to reconnect the group together when they felt lost. Not exactly the infamous "orgy" or "gangbang" everyone seems to be hung up on making it out to be.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



Yes, I've read IT several times, in fact. I just also know the definitions of "orgy" and "gangbang" and wouldn't use them to describe the chapter from the book, thanks.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



If all you honestly got out of that chapter was "a bunch of preteens bang in a sewer," then you completely missed the point.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



I'm sorry that you just don't get it. Some people are just too immature and have too hard a time getting their minds out of the gutter.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



Thanks for being completely oblivious to absolutely everything I've tried to explain about this. Proving again and again that you just truly don't get it, and never will. And for that, you do have my pity.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



You keep putting words in my mouth, claiming I was "name calling" when I wasn't, that I am trying to "defend child porn" when I'm not. I'm simply pointing out that your definition of referring to the scene as an "orgy" is off, because that's not what an orgy even is, and it's not what the scene in the book is about.

All that I and others are trying to get across here is that the scene is not about 'a bunch of preteens having an orgy in the sewer.' It's about the characters feeling lost and searching for a way to reconnect as a group, and they find that way. Is it obscure? Absolutely. Could it have been done differently? Of course. I'm not disagreeing here that it wasn't a shocker to read, I just never understood why people were so fixated on it as they apparently are still to this day, I swear a thread about this pops up once a week.

Anyway, it most definitely won't be in the film, and even if some version of it is, it obviously wouldn't be how it was depicted in the book. The idea to convey here is that they just need to keep their strength as The Losers Club together. Something less NC-17 rated would surely suffice. I truly do not know how to explain it in a more simplistic way than that ...

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


Which ironically took place IN a gutter.


Wow!! When we think it's "immature" to think that there's something wrong with pre-teens having sex then we are truly failing as a society. That part was pointless and never should have been put in there. There are literally millions of things that Mr. King could've come up with to have them come back together.



The point I'm trying to get across, funny enough, is that I actually do agree that the scene from the book will not translate to the film. My only disagreement here is referring to it as an "orgy," because it makes it out to be something it's not. They were not a bunch of preteens deciding to strip down and have a party in the sewer, and I think it's immature to simply disregard it as such.

What I'm trying to emphasis here is that the scene served it's purpose of the Losers club being lost and feeling as if their group is breaking apart, and Bev believes she has a way to reconnect them, bring their strength back, help them find that power back as a group so that they can find their way out of the sewers.

IT's existence brought them together as The Losers Club, and defeating (or just hurting and forcing IT into an early hibernation) was only part of the battle. They were still in the sewer and had to find their way back out afterwards.

Is the way Stephen King wrote them finding that re-connection within themselves obscure? Of course it was. Could he have had them do something else? Sure enough. In fact, I always believed the miniseries itself alluded to this in another way. In the 2nd part, when she brings all of them over to her house to see the blood in her sink, and they take to cleaning it up, the adult Bev then says, "I fell in love with all of you that day." (Also I know that scene also happens in the book, I'm just trying to show an example here.) To me, the scene wasn't even about them being intimate, it was about Bev bringing them all together in a way to show them that they shared a love like no other, a strong enough connection to defeat an evil as powerful as IT.

I read IT as just a just kid myself, and I admit, that part threw me. I remember Richie Tozier's reaction to it in the book was that his voice cracked and he's initially frightened by Bev's action, all asking "What are you doing?!" and my reaction was right in tone with that lol. But at the same time, I never pointed at the book and giggled like Beavis and Butt-head, proclaiming "OMG THEIR DOIN' IT! THE KIDS ARE HAVING AN ORGY!" (And don't take that out of context, I'm not saying ANYONE here is having such a reaction. That's just how it comes off sometimes by some people who don't get it.)

Truth be told, when I read the scene, I didn't even know what an "orgy" was. Years later when I learned the meaning of the word, it never once made me think "OOOH, so THAT'S what the kids were doing in the book!" I think some people focus too much on the sex part of the scene. There's more to it than that, and I never thought that aspect was what should have been focused on at all.

Let's try something else. Think of it like this...

Let's say the kids were super heroes, and they all had magic powers or something. And, after the battle with IT, all of their powers were drained and they were all weak, scared and lost. But then, Bev, who had retained most of her own power, decides to share hers with the rest of them, draining her own, but giving them all equally enough strength to keep them strong as a group. Just enough to get out of the sewers.

Now, this is definitely a very bizarre way to look at it, but follow me on this. If this were such the case, would people then look at the scene and say think of it as disgusting and child porn? I'd hope not. It would just show that Bev loved her friends and wanted to keep them strong, and powerful enough as a group to survive. Far fetched, and I know that analogy will make a lot of people tilt their heads, but this is as closely to how I always viewed the scene as I can try to explain. It's not about super heroes or magical powers, that was just an example. But I view the core of the scene to be about that in concept; The group is scared, worn down, lost, feeling broken up, and Bev believes she knows a way that will bring them back together. Honestly, a group hug like they had in the miniseries, or even just her sharing all of their first kisses would work just fine to get that point across on film, should they show it at all.

At the end of it all, my point is simply that I disagree in the title of calling the scene "an orgy." The kids weren't sex addicts or pornographic stars, and they weren't doing what they were doing for the point of pleasure, which is what I presume people would aim to achieve if they were to engage is such an "orgy." I really don't know what else I can say on the matter, and from now I'll just be ignoring future posts that bring this scene up. It's been talked about to death.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



Your reference to Beavis and Butthead was right on the money.

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.


Honestly, i do get the point to be fair. But it was a bit unnecessary, I remember reading it and thinking "what?!". I got throughout the whole book that they had this connection etc etc but it didnt have to be proven by them having sex with Beverly. Loved the book but was really let down by SK for this part :(



Thanks. I agree with you too in your comments. Like they could have just hugged or something or held each other all together but in a deep way. Something nicer and more innocent so the readerbwould think "aaaw" lol, seriously tho, after reading it I felt very unsettled. Lol


There was no orgy, there was no gang bang. Here's what happened, and forgive any spoilers.

The kids had just defeated IT, deep down in the sewers. They had all somehow survived the battle, but they had lost any light source they may have had. They were scared, they were lost, and had no idea what to do.

But Bevvie knew that the Losers Club, as a group, was stronger than the individuals were separately. She knew that if she could bring them all together, that it would make them stronger, maybe even strong enough that they could all survive.

So Beverly made love with each of the boys, one at a time, in the dark. It was the first time for any of them, but it was a way of drawing them all together with an act of love. It wasn't wanton, or dirty, it wasn't an orgy, and it wasn't a gang bang.

And her idea worked. With the strength of all of them together, they were able to find their way out.

So no, there was no orgy. And of course it won't appear in the film.

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.


Nail on the head, BK. Exactly what I was trying to get at in my post above, but less detailed lol. I've also noticed you've had to repost this four or five times now, because some people just can't get the notion of an "orgy" out of their heads.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



I'm starting to think the book might have been a bit too mature for your reading level. Stick with the made for TV miniseries version of the story.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



Having different opinions is totally fine. It's just very clear that you didn't understand the point of the scene. You go straight for the "OMG THE KIDS ARE DOIN' IT!!" and I find that the very immature route to go down.

Also, I didn't call you you a name of any kind. Just that the book may have been a bit too mature for your level. You're quick to go to very basic labeling of calling the scene an "orgy," it proves you just didn't get it.

And sorry to say, it sort of comes down to 'if you don't get it, I can't tell ya.' You either do or you don't. And you clearly don't. I'm sorry.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


Firstly, have you looked up the definition of orgy? Because that isn't what happens. The part is shocking definitely! I admit that it is an awkward thing to read, but I understand why they (Bev) does it. Those that are always rambling on about how it's sick or you must be wrong in the head for defending it, I wonder if you were paying enough attention to the novel? Or did you just come for the scary clown?

Like I said, it is shocking, still, Beverley thought it would bring them whole again. She believed it, and it worked. She saved their lives with an act of love in its purest form.

~Stop Now Before I Kill You All.A Word To The Wise From Your Friend Pennywise~



That's fair enough. To each his own. This topic gets everyone going. I remember years ago on the mini series board, there was a thread that had about 400+ comments on this subject. It never fails to get a discussion going. Lol

~Stop Now Before I Kill You All.A Word To The Wise From Your Friend Pennywise~



Again with the "name calling" thing, I never said anything of the sort. All I said, which can clearly be seen in the posts on here, was that that part of the novel may have been too mature for some people to get. Could you make one post without including the incorrect description of the word "orgy?" I'll have a lot more respect for you if you can.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



I've said from the beginning that I myself thought of the scene as obscure and that it could have been done another way. I'd even substitute it with the blood-brother soda cap scene. Why did he write it? I couldn't tell you, ask him if you get the chance. Again, my disagreement with you isn't over the scene itself, it's over focusing on the wrong aspect of it, not seeing the bigger picture, and referring to it with incorrect terminology. Plain and simply. Also, to keep commenting back with the repetitive and excessive use of "orgy" and "gangbang" does make you come off as a troll, sorry to say.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



You're entitled to your opinion, and I can respect a difference of opinion. I honestly didn't see it as "belittling" anyone just because I don't agree with calling the scene by those awful names. But, to each their own.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


You are definitly trolling.



Exactly, TD88!

Let's just take a minute to look at the definition...


a wild party, especially one involving excessive drinking and unrestrained sexual activity.
"he had a reputation for drunken orgies"
synonyms: wild party, debauch, carousal, carouse, revel, revelry;
excessive indulgence in a specified activity.
"an orgy of buying"
synonyms: bout, excess, spree, surfeit; informalbinge
"an orgy of violence"

Can "Orgy" mean a group of people having sex? Sure. But they weren't lost in the sewer and up and suddenly thought "Hey, let's all strip down and have sloppy sewer sex with each other."

That would be an orgy. And that's not what happens.

Orgy is not what it should be referred to, even if that is your opinion, it's based on incorrect information of what an orgy is.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews



Finally, something we can agree on here lol.

No, I'm fairly certain the graphicness of that chapter won't be shown on screen. However, they might include a form of it. The scene is meant to show that after their battle, they're lost in the darkness of the sewers and need a way to come together as a group, to reconnect.

It's been suggested by a couple people that it might come down to them just sharing their first kiss, or holding onto each other's hands. The point of the scene would remain intact, without them having to push the rating beyond an R.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


Agreed! I mostly stay out of these discussions for this reason alone. There will always be two groups. Those who get it and those that don't. To some extent, I hear where folks are coming from. It's a shocking scene, but within the context of the novel, it serves its purpose. I know I don't have to explain this to you, man. I know you love the novel, but you just have to look at bossdog677's reply to see what idiocy this subject spawns.

~Stop Now Before I Kill You All.A Word To The Wise From Your Friend Pennywise~


Perfectly said, TD. I think I've answered these threads way too much. We all always find ourselves saying the same thing, and it just always seems to go in circles.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


That is hilarious. 


Aren't you from the DW board?

~Stop Now Before I Kill You All.A Word To The Wise From Your Friend Pennywise~



Doctor Who





Another po


Another point of that scene was King wanted to bridge the gap from childhood, to adulthood. They didn't encounter It for years after that. After the first battle when they kill It, they were moving on as adults after facing fears.



So i guess its out of the bag now that book purists who defend this movie love child porn. It also explains why more women read the book



Just ignore Bossdog he's a troll. He pops up now and again to make derogatory comments and piss other users off. Usual sad troll stuff.


Right because a woman could never be a paedophile. 


Ugh, not this crap again.

But read the novel, if you have an interest in horror fiction you won't regret it.

My father was a drunk, a gambler and a womanizer. I idolized him



I'll have a go. The words orgy and gangbang imply wild and hedonistic behavior. These are innocents we are talking about here. It was the first time for all of them.

Bev may not have known exactly what she was doing or the consequences, but she meant it as a act of love that would bring the group back together.

I was never repulsed by that because it was an extraordinary situation.


Perfectly explained, JH38! Exactly what I've been trying to get across since I made the mistake of posting in yet another of these threads. Well done!

Careful, though. You'll probably get responses from people asking "where's your pedo-mustache, you defender of child pornography!"

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


The Real Randy Watson believes Children Orgies are our future


I like how ole Bukakee69 up there assures us there are no kid orgies
