
Yes, I know this isn't IT. But Stephen Kings Insomnia takes place in Derry. I haven't read the book yet, just purchased it though. Would this or could this be a film ? Is the book any good ?


I thought the book was tough to read, and I've seen others echo that sentiment. I think it would be difficult to make it into a film since it's connected to King's Dark Tower series.


I've read a lot of King and Insomnia was probably my least favourite book. I managed to finish it, but it was tough going. Personally I wouldn't be interested in watching a movie adaptation if they ever made one.


Didn't enjoy and almost gave up a few times. The odd nod to IT and the characters in IT was about its only redeeming feature


I agree on that, seeing Mike Hanlon again although only for a brief moments and those little bits of what happend in Derry before mentioning about old standpipe etc


SERIOUSLY !!!! I spent $20 on the book just because it said it's set in Derry ! It really isn't that good ?


I think the problem is it's too long, and it's a book that takes its time. There just reached a point while I was reading the book that I realized I didn't care enough about the characters to keep reading.


It's not a classic, but it seems to be pretty polarizing among fans. I really liked it and burned through it in a couple days. It's weird and pretty dark, but it does get a bit convoluted at times. It has lots of trippy imagery and it's been a couple years, but I remember a lot of color being involved. And an abortion clinic lol


Ouch! $20! Don't forget the library has books you can check out for free. If I buy a books it's often used and under $10. That's just me though. Most my Stephen King books come from Goodwill.


For what it's worth, I liked it. Sure, it's not The Stand, but it has good characters you root for, a decent enough plot, and fascinating world building.

It was also scary to a degree, and books usually don't scare me that much; but I love the horror genre for the subject matter. Atropos was frightening because he could be anywhere, arranging your death without any knowledge from you.


I actually enjoyed Insomnia, but it appears I'm in a minority!

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.


Okay, so this is strange...

...because I know I've read Insomnia and I vaguely remember enjoying it (at least...I thought so), and yet I cannot remember a single thing about it! Not even a single character... 😕

I must have a touch of that ol' Derry syndrome! 😱

ELPHABA: Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen.


I actually enjoyed Insomnia. Not my favorite SK novel but I liked it for what it was.

I don't think it would make a good film. Like the Ritual of Chud in IT it gets a little too weird to be realized on screen


Same here.
