
Yes, I know this isn't IT. But Stephen Kings Insomnia takes place in Derry. I haven't read the book yet, just purchased it though. Would this or could this be a film ? Is the book any good ?


It's a bit of a slog to get through. Interesting concept, though very weird and quite unfilmable in the way that most King novels usually are.
It gets highly political along the way, centring on the anti-abortion/right to life campaign movement that was big news at the time. Liked it ok when I read it, but largely forgotten about it since.
What I can remember, though, is that the novel takes an older persons perspective of Derry. Where It was set in the places that kids would inhabit (school, cinemas, the Barrens etc), Insomnia is mostly set in the post-retirement world of parks where pensioners play chess and old peoples homes, with a few nods along the way to the Derry we knew from before.
From what I can remember, a large part of Dreamcatcher is also set in Derry. Now that was a good book.
