MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > People are disgusting...

People are disgusting...

The theater I went to see this was full of the worst kinds of people. Loud and obnoxious a-holes. I am done with going to see these movies when it is a full house. Monday night or matinees are the time to see movies like this. People are like animals now.


That sucks you had a terrible audience and movie going experience. The audience I was part of was a good one and why I like seeing a movie with a packed theater and when it's sold out. No one was really talking. There was some people on cell phones, but it wasn't too bad or too distracting. There were even kids in the audience, although they were there with parents. But the kids behaved themselves. I think they were getting scared throughout since one kid's parents were laughing at them afterwards because the kid thought he could handle the movie. But yeah. I was part of a pretty good audience/crowd and I had a good time with the movie. Too bad you couldn't have gone to the showing I was at.


I know. The movie was totally ruined for me by people who just wanted to disrupt people's enjoyment of the movie. 4 guys walked out screaming how the movie sucked balls a half hour before it ended. They never came back.


i went Sunday morning at 10:15am and there was one guy whose cellular phone went off twice, argh,
luckily he left after the second disruption and never came back


I wish each and every person on their cell phones at the movies would drop dead, but only after suffering in agony for hours and hours. Absolute scum of the earth.


A bunch of savages in this town...


Believe me, never again. It's matinees or Monday night for me. When I went to see Annabelle, some stupid girl was running up and down the stairs in the theater and fell flat on her face. They had to stop the movie for 15 minutes while an ambulance took her away. Also some gay guy kept farting and screaming like a queen that he shouldn't have had sex last night. Gross.


You went back to a evening show after what you said about Annabelle? I thought you were through with evening shows? As for me, I'm going to see IT tonight but at a different theater than the one I saw Annabelle at. Hopefully it will be a better movie going experience. Otherwise, it's matinees from now on. No ifs, ands or buts about it!!


Why don't you just wish them dead? To quote you, they'll get over it, right?


It was on a Sunday night and I thought people would be working and going to school the next day, but it was as bad as ever. That was the last straw.


I went to a different theater this time. I went to an evening showing and the experience was much more pleasant although the movie wasn't scary at all, there were some laughs from the audience but nothing disruptive.

I would advise you to try going to another theater.


That was hilarious :)


Lol I laughed so hard I started coughing at this.


Now that you mention coughing, some bitch came into the movie and coughed up a lung during the movie. She should have stayed home with her TB.


I was so paranoid I was going to have a bad movie experience I made sure I got a matinee. The few teens that were there actually were fine. There was a bunch of senior citizens and you don't have to worry about them. They're quiet.


It was a good you chose to go to a matinee.


The falling girl and the farting gay guy sounds like a more interesting experience than Annabelle, though.




I know right!? WTF is wrong with people? When I went, there were people talking and laughing literally THROUGHOUT the entire film!!
Some people are so freaking inconsiderate.


I've noticed horror fanatics tend to be monsters themselves, more than with other genres.


Maybe in some cases but I am a horror fanatic and I am a perfectly pleasant and respectable person haha.


Well it's only a tendency, I think overall people in general are good peeps.


Admirable. I guess I have a slightly different take on humanity in general.


Well, general goodness implies most people, and technically all we need for that is 51% of people being good. I guess that's not the best thing to strive for!


Humanity is crap. Literally...


With you on that, Barclays lol.




It only takes a couple of creeps to ruin a movie.


Now that we have HD TVs as big as my wall, I give zero fucks about putting up with assholes in the theater no more. Goodbye. I can wait another three months. I'm all grown up and life is busy as shit.


Definitely love going to the movies, but having to deal with these creeps is so terrible. When I went to see Baby Driver there were 4 people talking and making a commotion throughout the movie. One guy got tired of it and told them to shut up. One bitch in the foursome said that she paid for her ticket just like the pissed off guy did. I am not sure what sense that makes, but ok, then she told him she'd bust his lip if he didn't stop talking. Some people in front of me gave the discourteous people the finger and the same bitch said for them to put their fingers down before she snapped them off.


Actually a lot of theaters have policies against that. If you report noisy people to management, they usually are required to come in and ask the discourteous people to leave. Depends on the theater, but I've seen it happen.


Done that, miss part of the movie, the people are told to be quiet and once the movie employee leaves, they start their crap once again. Like I said, it's either matinees or Monday nights for me.


Times like that require accidentally brushing the back of someone's head as you pass behind them (or touching the top of their head while pretending to stumble, for stadium seating), using it as a guise for deftly putting some chewed gum in their hair.


Those kinds of tactics seem awfully risky, however.


And horror movies are the worst to see in theaters too. People are the worst.


I think it depends on the location of the movie theatre(s), and the audience. I'm a member of one of the three independent, repertory, non-profit movie theatres in my area, and when I've gone to see an occasional Hallowe'een horror movie marathon, the audience has been remarkably well-behaved.


Maybe they ought to have at least one or two movie employees in the theatre itself, just to keep disruptive people quiet.


Obviously, though, not enough theatres have hard-and-fast policies against that kind of disruptive behavior during the movies. If more movie theatres had the kind of zero tolerance policies for crap like that, which Alamo Drafthouse cinemas have, the movie business just might be in much better shape.


That would be one of the best things to do, I think.



I am with you on that. There is nothing more comfortable than watching a movie within the comfort of your home. The whole movie theater experience is overrated unless you watch a really exceptional 3D film but there are tv that are capable of playing 3D format so..


The crowd at my theatre was pretty good. We all screamed and laughed at the appropriate times. It was also kind of creepy cause some of the seats squeak when rocking back and forth so a lot of times I was like "Is that from the movie or next to me?!" aaah


It sounds like you all had lots of fun.


Haha yes for sure


Your situation sounded way different...because the entire audience was really getting into the movie and were all reacting similarly. It sounds like the squeaky movie theatre seats added an element of enjoyment for all of you, as well. Glad you enjoyed yourself.


So full stop, how was the movie overall?


It was OK. I gave it a 7.


Sorry to hear this
Unfortunately its not too unusual for some people to be huge disruptive jerks
Crowds suck imo:(((


Assigned seatin also make much disagreementz and disruptionz


Assigned seating is a stupid idea. When people come in late and the theater is dark, it is so annoying to try and watch a movie when people are trying to find their seats.


I would never sit a tub of pop corn on the floor because I know someone walking past in front of me would knock it over in the dark. The thing is all these crazy movie scenarios are hilarious on tv shows and comedy movies but awful in real life lol


The scenarios are the worst in real life. Some people seem as though they try to compete with the actors in the movie for attention by acting up.
