MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Shame it was shot in Canada

Shame it was shot in Canada

I like movies set in america to be shot in america. Canada isn't as bad as when they try to pass off Australia as America (which is blatantly obvious to Australians), but maybe to Canadians it is blatantly obvious.

One plus I'll give this movie is that at least the weather was sunny. A lot of Canadian movies look overcast, which also makes me think its not in America.


The miniseries was also shot in Canada. Personally, I thought the overcast skies in the beginning of the miniseries added to the eeriness. Isn't it also a bit cheaper to film there? I think I read that somewhere a long time ago.
I haven't seen this new adaptation yet, but the trailers look fine to me.


Why not just shoot it in MAINE, since that's where it's set?


They get big kickbacks from Film Canada I presume. Georgia does the same. A lot of movies are shot there. I always feel a little cheated when I watch the credits and realise it wasn't shot in America.


Actually Canada offers tax breaks to production companies that California does not.


It;s only like 150 miles from Bangor Maine to the Canadian Border. Do you think the sun magically cuts off when it crosses the border or something?


My wife's Canadian and she didn't notice.


Born and raised Canadian here...I also didn't notice until I read the trivia lol.

Apparently lots of movies that are supposed to take place in the USA are filmed in Canada due to the similarities in some of the landscape...and of course the tax write offs and that sort of thing.


Bein on set sux mo bec they make u sing o canada be4 shootin


Lots of movies and TV series are shot in Canada.


Hollywood is too expensive for their own good. This is what happens.


Yep, I'm Australian and every time they shoot a movie over here and try to pass it off as the United States it's pretty obvious. I remember watching Salem's Lot and seeing all these Oz soap opera actors just made me laugh out loud.


'Fatal Honeymoon' was pretty bad, it was the story of the american couple who had their honeymoon on the great barrier reef and the husband, Gabe Watson, killed her.

There were scenes which were meant to be shot in Alabama and it looked ridiculous. I think it was just the Gold Coast.
